2017: How much will you spend on tea this year?

118 Replies
Lynxiebrat said

This thread is reminding me alot of the tea buying hiatus thread…

But anyways, my goal is the same as most other peoples: Sipping down what I got.

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curlygc said

I’ve already made my first purchase of 2017 – a Lin’s Purion teapot from Camella Sinensis that I’d been eyeing for awhile. I couldn’t pass it up with the favorable Canadian exchange rate and 15% off sale.

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i feel like

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$1k usd tops! I hope.

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Aiming to spend $400 this year…hopefully :)

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Arby said

Oops, I accidentally bought teaware in February. It just made its way into my cart somehow. I’m not sure how that happened. ^^ In other news, I have some gorgeous new teacups coming in the mail.

All totals in CAD ($1 USD = $0.76 CAD, $1 CAD = $1.31 USD)

January ($88)
$30 – Dazzle Deer teacup
$13 at David’s Tea for restocking some of my usuals
$45 aliexpress purchases of pu’erh pick, a teacup, and small cakes of sticky rice puerh

February ($227 – I seem to have spent my yearly budget all in one month…oops)
$142 for a teapot + a bunch of teacups – White2 Trading Limited.
$90 for a decent 130mL clay teapot + a few cups – HU13.com (wholesale prices!)
$15 at Teavana because Golden Dragon is being discontinued! Ahhhhhhh my life is over. I bought 3 ounces (but used starbucks points for two free ounces).
$30 – David’s Tea Valentines teas

March ($120)
$100 Yunnan sourcing order
$13 Verdant
$7 at Fujia to buy decaf genmaicha

April ($120)
Will be going to Hawaii and have a budget of $100 for Hawaiian grown teas to bring back with me
$25 for 16 oz Davidson’s decaf green tea on Amazon
$15 100g toasted rice (making my own decaf genmaicha)
$20 at Whole Foods to buy two teas
$60 Teas from Hawaii

May ($75)
$20 David’s tea iced teas
Free! Teavana iced teas (bought using starbucks points)
$55 at 52Teas because cotton candy genmaicha needs to be in my cupboard

June $62
$7 – New gradient DT tins
$50 – 52Teas fundraiser
$15 – David’s tea because I ran out of disposable teabags ($12) and wanted one of their new teas ($3 sample).

July – $73
$18 – Tickled tea
$40 – What-cha…I was just going to order the sticky rice oolong. I’m not sure what happened
$15 bought a glass teapot online

August – $40
$30 Trader Joes
$10 Amazon

September – $25
$5 Amazon
$20 Tea cups + pots at thrift store

October – ??
??$ – Group buy

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Ken said

I think I spent about 800 just in january, I dont expect that to happen again as the initial setup expenses of getting gaiwan, a decent tea selection and a yixing really sent the costs through the roof. I expect to spend about 150 a month on average after this.

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toby8653 said

So far 466.66666666USD for two cakes.

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Helene said

I like the idea of keeping a log, which I have not done last year. I think I spent around $100 Cdn in 2016. This year I will finish drinking what I have and will probably buy again in 2-3 months. I did not set a budget yet.

UPDATE: Placed a $100 order with Yunnan Sourcing.

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Well i am new to gong fu brewing and the world of quality teas so my costs added up last year because i bought lots of teaware and lots of teas mainly from Meileaf for about 400USD.

This year so far i have spent:
85USD – end of the year sale at Grandtea
105USD – at bitterleaf
120 – For tea and teaware at Verdant tea.

I hope to keep my costs below 800USD by the end of the year.

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