Cups of tea /day
1-3 depending on the day/my laziness.
I get a fog tea most mornings I work. I drink a tea at night some nights when I want something to soothe me, and randomly I have been known to get a tea mid-day. Like right now. I’m trying a new detox tea.
I mostly drink one cup per day. The kind differs on the time of day, but I always use my 16oz Tinkerbell mug. If it is early morning or noon, I prefer a black/chai tea. For evenings, I choose green tea or herbal “tea.”
Always a 12 ouncer and at least one a day. Three max in a day. I count tisanes too.
I drink anything between 2 & 3-4 litres a day.
This is mostly gong fu. If it’s late I drink hot water.
I don’t really track my consumption but most days I’ll fill up my kettle to the 1 litre mark at least 2 times a day, usually more. I prepare puer either gong fu or grandpa style. Generally I’ll have a tea session while I work from 8ish to 10:30ish in the morning, then after lunch until 4:00ish. I rarely drink tea after 6:00 PM.
I actually just got a handheld milk frother, so I cannot wait to bust that out in the mornings (and sometimes night) and stop paying for different types of drinks at the cafe before work.
3 cups if I’m out and about all day, at someone else’s house, etc. Most days, 5-8 cups (500mL/12 to 16 oz cups).
I’ve started drinking anywhere from 2 quarts to a gallon of tea a day, iced. Usually in the form of either iced tea or green tea. So that is 8-16 cups? Can I win a prize for that? :-)
I’m on medication that causes dry mouth. I can’t drink that much hot tea quickly without raising my body temperature enough to be uncomfortable in Texas in springtime.
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