Episkey said

new to pu-erh

Hi everyone!

I just started getting into pu-erh and I’ve tried a few samples. These include WPTC’s 2013 Ontario 1357 (my fav so far), 2015 Huron Te Ji, 2015 Lord of Lakes, and 2012 Huron Gold Needle. I’ve also tried Verdant Tea’s 2014 Shu Pu’er Nuggets and have some more of their pu’er teas untasted as of yet. (Can’t recall which ones at the moment.)

Does anyone have any recommendations on pu’erh teas for me to try? Or how I can get better at differentiating their tasting profiles? I’d love to learn more! Thank you. :)

10 Replies
Dr Jim said

Buy this now. You won’t regret it. Liquid Proust finds amazing assortments of interesting puerhs and this will 1) provide many interesting samples, 2) do it at a bargain price of about $30 including shipping.


mrmopar said

I will second this too. I have been in on these since they began. Also sometimes you can find a person near you for swaps. I live in SW Virginia if you are near here.

Episkey said

Unfortunately I’m not near Virginia. :/ Thanks for the advice guys!

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curlygc said

I would suggest messaging Liquid Proust privately as well. He often sends out “intro to puerh” packages for anyone interested in getting into puerh, for a very low price. I’m not sure if he has any left right now, but you can ask.

Episkey said

Thank you!

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Hey, I think that Liquid Proust guy can help you out. He is even sending out samples of 2016 Poundcake from W2T and some Jingmai raw from Farmer Leaf to the new people.

Episkey said

Sounds like you’re the guy to talk to! :) I’ll send you a message

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Alena said

Try Japanese Pu’erh and 1990’s Rare Wild Arbor Ripe Pu’erh from https://www.tealyra.com/puerh-tea .
It’s my favorite teas!

Babble said

This terrible excuse for viral marketing is getting way out of hand..

Rasseru said

Well done for calling it out Babble

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