Mei Leaf / Chinalife - 1600 Year old Pu-erh
This Saturday 3rd of March – Mei Leaf Sessions 7 – YouTube Live tea gathering with plenty of tea drunken chatter and giveaways.
Is it just me or does it seem odd that Mei Leaf spams a thread with ad links when the thread is about them lying in marketing content. Or not knowing their product, the other read, which makes for an unusual divide in possibilities, one they’d seem to not want to highlight?
Maybe there really is no such thing as bad publicity. Maybe Verdant picked up business over noise over making similar false claims.
I created this thread because of Mei Leaf’s impressive YouTube videos and pu-erh. I wanted to know whether anyone had tried their pu-erh and what they thought as there were few reviews at the time.
I like to share some of their upcoming stuff for those who may be interested.
Perhaps start a new topic for fans of Mei Leaf. Just a suggestion. I don’t think this thread has done him any favors, far from it.
For those that may be interested, Mei Leaf live sessions 7 is about to start:
How has this thread just become an advertising thread for Meileaf? I guess “any publicity is good publicity” holds true here.
Queen of Pu-erh, Tipple Twister
Yiwu 200 Year Old Tea Trees Raw Spring 2017
Not cheap at £59 for 100g
Crap tea at high prices with scammy marketing to boot, and videos full of incorrect info. You could do a lot better than MeiLeaf, and real tea heads know this
I think id Don wasn’t selling tea he would be selling used cars and lying about them too.
@tea123 Please stop using this thread to post Mei Leaf related posts. It is simply adding more fuel to the fire.
@everyone else, please remember that we try to be as friendly and constructive as possible here to promote a welcoming environment.
Criticism of a business and their marketing is within the scope of what can be discussed, but do so as respectfully as possible. Criticism of individuals and or specific users is not allowed and may lead to this thread being locked.
Thanks to everyone for your help in keeping this conversation as productive as possible.
LOL. this crap is too funny.
It is. It’s always fun to watch the attacks when something positive is posted. Think I’ll go check out the new chat thread. :)
Weasser, nothing really positive has been posted (at least not anything meaningful), just people oddly posting promotional materials in a thread filled with legitimate criticism. It’s like the Mei Leaf online promotional team didn’t read the thread but just thought, “Hey, it’s our name! Let’s post promotional material!”
There’re much more positive things that have been posted than you realize. It’s always bombarded with negative posts about trolls and fake accounts so it gets hidden fairly quickly. The promotional posts you’re referring to are fairly recent. The other kind of positive posts are rare now because it’s not worth trying to say anything positive. Even so, it’s fun to watch the attacks when somebody, including myself, has tried.
A real 100 year old tree. It isn’t 1600 years old, but at least it exists:
Let’s add some racist stickers that Mei Leaf made
THIS IS DISGUSTING especially coming from a British tea company.
12 pages of this thread, you cannot deny this is foul.
At work currently; 3/4 of my staff members currently working are aboriginal and all were completely disgusted by the usage (as am I/the other staff member). I’m sure the usage was born out of ignorance and not deliberately malicious; but you’re absolutely correct that it’s especially abhorrent given the fact Mei Leaf is British and I would have hoped they’d be especially aware of the negative cultural connotations here.
I’m also disappointed by the people in the reddit thread defending the usage; it doesn’t matter if you personally like the imagery – you have people of the heritage/culture used who are telling you that they ARE offended and that there is a very NEGATIVE racial connotation here historically. To me, that’s as bad as saying “it doesn’t matter if you find black face offensive – I think it’s very artistic and pretty”. NO.
I wish I found this surprising but anyone who would make up ridiculous lies to sell tea is not above a little racism. I am sure Don found it tasteful.
When I first saw email notice of this I thought it must refer to dragging up some insensitive image from a decade ago before political correctness extended to where it is today. I’m shocked that this is current, and exactly what one would expect, cliche stereotypes that were universally rejected over and over through very public debate. What kind of idiot would use a Native American image as marketing support in 2018, sent out in sticker form no less? Telling someone a moderately priced sheng is from 1600 year old trees more than defies belief, for a whole set of reasons, but this is on the next level. I went to a grade school that used a similar Native American / “Indian” image as a mascot—in Seneca, PA, hence the tie-in—and they eliminated that use because it was offensive to some people in the late 1970s, 40 years ago.
I and a few others emailed MeiLeaf our complaint and we got a copy and paste of an apology and that they removed the stickers. This is good.
What still continues is on the Mei Leaf Discord is their fans are continuing to laugh at the whole situation and defend it, saying how we should feel, which is TLDR, be happy MeiLeaf made a beautiful headdress to remember our culture, as if First Nations sacred symbols are dead or some tourist attraction.
I’ve pressed them to make a public response instead of saying sorry to the people who called them directly on it. But damn, those MeiLeaf fans saying that stuff is disgustingly racist in their own space.
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