Loose vs Bag: Will it be different? (RoT Raw Plantain Coconut)
Based on Steepster reviews, I bought the RoT Plantain Coconut Raw Green Rooibos in bags (which is what they had at the store). I really like this tea and have already used up quite a bit.
I noticed on the RoT site that they sell this in a loose leaf variety too online: http://www.republicoftea.com/plantain-coconut-green-bush-full-leaf/p/V02133/
Will the loose leaf be a better quality, with a more potent flavor? I really like this but want a stronger coconut.
My guess would be, there is no difference. And I agree that the coconut flavour should be stronger.
My daughter recently purchased a loose leaf tea that we had previously only had as a bagged tea. The difference is remarkable. Much fresher in taste. I am glad she finds the tea of a good quality because she had to buy an entire pound to get the loose leaf.
That’s the same boat I’m in (1lb needed). Which one did you try loose leaf after trying bagged? I really like their loose leaf— sometimes, it’s even too strong.
Normally the loose version of a tea will be much more flavorful than the bagged version. This will probably be especially true with Republic of Tea products, because I find their tea bags to be under filled and normally full of mostly “tea dust”. But with a green rooibos based tea, I’m not sure there will be much difference. Since green rooibos doesn’t really get crushed or need room to expand, I wouldn’t think this tea suffers too much from being bagged.
RoT loose is far superior to their bag tea. I just am not font of all the dust that they make their bags out of.
I prefer loose over bagged for the price difference! You get more for your money with loose. I dig that. Plus, I think it does TASTE better.
I think it is essential to drink flavored teas in loose-leaf. When it is loose you have total control of what goes in your cup. Especially if you want a stronger coconut taste then you can pick out a few extra coconut pieces and put it in the cup. I like citrus brews personally and with loose-leaf you can control yourself how much of the chunks of citrus go in each brew.
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