benthejack said

calming feels in a sheng-pu

I’ve recently been exploring sheng Pu-erh a fair bit and I have had a couple that had a particularly pleasant relaxing effect (J Tea’s 2000 Da Du Gang for example).

I’m really not into sheng pu-erh that head-butts me in the heart with intense chi and leaves me feeling jittery and unsettled, I’m probably more sensitive than most (I can’t even look at coffee without loosing the plot and going a bit mental). I like the stuff that sits in the middle, invigorating if I’m having a sleepy day but not intense.

Shu Pu-er generally has a much mellower more calming effect but has none of the beautiful complexities and floral light flavours of a sheng. I’d much rather drink shu at night time, and sheng during the day.

is there any sheng pu-erh you all would recommend prioritising body feel and mellowing chi?


7 Replies
David Bess said

I’ve had some great experiences with White2Tea’s Fade.

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Rasseru said

its weird because I think one persons up can be anothers down. the 2011 bang wei literally sends me to sleep. Its known for being strong/all about the qi, so seriously YMMV on this one. Try a sample first

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I agree with Rasseru, qi is a YMMV situation. But since a recommendation may be better than nothing, I’ll second W2T’s Fade, and also recommend trying their ’09 yiwu as well. Also, from Yunnan Souring, the 2007 Yi Shan Purple Tea of Jinggu.

benthejack said

Thaks for the recommends, I’ve just ordered a block of fade and a sample of the 09 Yiwu. I’ve wanted an excuse to try W2T offerings, and here we are :)

I’l try some of the purple tea next yunnan sourcing order I put through

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TeaLife.HK said

I call the sleepy tea qi and the excitedness caffeine. lol

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AllanK said

I think different people will experience qi differently. The YQH teas for instance gave me an invigorating qi while others reported relaxation.

TeaLife.HK said

Yes that’s possible. Seems to work that way with cannabis too

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