LefTea said

Tiesta Tea Groupon Today

Morning everyone,
I follow a deal website and have automatic email alerts sent to me whenever a deal on tea comes up. Typically this yields amazon deals on boxed, bagged tea, but today it turned up a Groupon deal for Tiesta Tea (I am in no way affiliated with either Groupon or Tiesta Tea). The deal is $10 for $25 in tea and it can be used toward shipping. I have no experience with Tiesta but for $10 I might give it a try. Anyone know anything about them?

Here’s the link to the Groupon: http://www.groupon.com/cedar-rapids-iowa-city/?post_subscribe=true&utm_medium=afl&utm_campaign=1225267&utm_source=rvs
(I am a Groupon subscriber, if you’d like a referral link let me know but I won’t publish it here – in other words, that’s not a referral link, I get nothing if you buy from that link).

2 Replies

I picked this up earlier this morning when I stumbled upon it. . .I don’t know anything about the company but have been eyeing them for a while. it looks like they may have a few of the same blends that SpecialTeas had so if anybody is looking for any of those teas and Teavana isn’t offering them. . This maybe a way to get them.

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Janefan said

Not sure if the above link is still good, but it showed up on my alerts today for Raleigh NC:
$10 for $30 worth of tea from Tiesta Tea (Online)

(if you’re new to Groupon and would like a referral link let me know!)

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