Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box Round Six--CLOSED

70 Replies
shezza said

I’d participate again, I’m in Vancouver.

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Just got back from being away for a bit and found a donated packet from LP Teas to be included in November’s box. The contents were the following and should be enough for everyone to have a taste and an LP card:

Earl Pink
Rummy Poo
French Toast Dianhong
2016 Bing Dao
Liquid Proust Teas cards

Thank you, Liquid Proust, for your kindness and generosity.

Mackie said

oooh yay :) what are these LP cards?? :O

Business cards. :)

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Mookit said

I guess I should post as an FYI that I will be in Europe the last two weeks of December and first week of January, so if i could be scheduled around that, that would be awesome.

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Everyone interested in the GCTTB Round Six kindly friend me on Steepster, if we are not already friended, so that we can message each other should the need arise. Thanks.

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Hello Everyone,

Kindly read the rules in the main post and updates. Thanks.

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Kristal said

Maybe it’s a good thing I splurged in the states 2 weeks ago + just bought some of Verdant’s autumn teas…:)

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Arby said

I don’t know if we are allowed to request anything, but I’m really keen on trying a bunch of teas. If anyone has copious amounts of any of these, perhaps you could add some into the box?

-52Teas or A Quarter to Tea flavoured varieties
-purple varieties of tea
-Whispering Pines Cocoa Amore, Rivendell, Port, Elderwood, or Earl Gold…anything from WP actually. I need to make a big order soon. ^^
-Verdant’s Crassicolumna teas (caffeine free relative to the tea plant)
-yellow teas or pure green teas with toasted notes (not genmaicha)
-lighter/greener oolongs

Feel free to ask about anything I have in my cupboard. I also have a bunch of teas I don’t have listed because I haven’t written up reviews for them yet.

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Mookit said

Just wondering if there is an update on the box ie. when it is being put into motion, when to expect its arrival, etc?

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Ubacat said

What’s the latest on this box? I haven’t seen any posts for awhile.

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