Nicole said

Blue and white china/porcelain tea sets for sale

I recently agreed to purchase several sets of small 50 ml cups, 180 ml pitchers and 150 ml teapots from a lady who was retiring from owning a tea shop. I do not need all of these sets! Some are just a tea pot or pitcher in the pattern, some are pot, pitcher and 4 cups, some are just 2 cups.

I do not know what the maker marks mean on them, I do not know any history on them. I thought there might be a better market to pass them along here than on Ebay but that’s my next stop. I have undoubtedly not named the patterns correctly either. :) None of them appear to have cracks though at least one piece has a chip out of the bottom rim, visible in the photo.

Prices noted in the descriptions. If grouped together they come together. I am not trying to make more off of these than I paid for them. Shipping will be figured after I get an address from you. PM if interested in any!

2 Replies
AllanK said

Very nice pieces but I already have too much teaware. Hopefully someone will buy them from you here. The size of the teapot is a reasonable size for gongfu brewing.

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mrmopar said

Messaged you.

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