needing some honest critiques
I would like to know your thoughts on our webpage
Any critiques would be appreciated. Looking forward to your responses. Thanks.
The web page seems very nice. But your selection of teas is very limited. I probably wouldn’t spend $1 a gram on Gyokuro. And if I did I would probably want a sample size first to see if the tea is worth $1 a gram. In my opinion most teas are not worth $1 a gram and the only way to know is to taste it. Also, personally I am more of a puerh drinker than a drinker of Japanese green teas.
Thank you so much for your input. We really appreciate the honesty. I think that could be something we could work on by giving away samples to those customers who would be interested. I will look into this idea. thanks again.
I am also thinking it would make your website more interesting if you offered more teas and perhaps some teawares.
I actually wrote a blog regarding why Inori,LLC only offers 2 types of tea and you can read all about it here at
We do plan on adding high end tea ware in the future however since we are just starting up our site we wanted to branch out once our site is moving more traffic. Thank you again for the input.
Website looks nice! I would also recommend adding sample sizes
I’m not the target demographic, as costs are out of my normal price range and I drink more Chinese/Taiwanese tea, but I understand that top quality tea can fetch those prices.
You need some detailed information about shipping costs / methods.
Also, do you ship internationally or just in the US?
I have went ahead and took all of your inputs and corrected our site accordingly. Thank you so much for giving us honest critiques. We really appreciate it! Let me know what you think now.
I don’t know anything about marketing, I’m just giving you my impressions and thoughts, so take them with a grain of salt. :) The site looks nice. It imparts feelings of a high end exclusive product.
I’m sure the Japanese cloths are very nice but personally I see the inclusion as raising the price on the item I’d really want, the tea.
The text is a story about you and the farmer. That’s interesting but I would like to read more about the tea. By virtue of working with one individual you have a one of a kind product, but how do I know that product is good or bad? Exclusivity doesn’t necessarily equal quality.
Do you care about this tea? How does it make you feel when you drink it? What goes through your mind? How does it taste? How is it any different than any other Gyokuro or Sencha in the world? How do you prepare it? Tell us about the tea. :)
I know nothing about preparing these teas. I think you should list some guidelines on where to start. Don’t post canned directions. I’m assuming you’re intimately familiar with this tea. You should describe how you approach it.
One last small thing, I think you could lose the “Continue reading” link on the blog. It would save your customers and extra click. Maybe once you have more on the site it would be more applicable.
I’m glad you now offer samples. :) Best of luck!
I think that you raised a couple of good points. This really reconfirmed my decision to produce video content on my site. I think it’s hard to convey a product without the emotional aspects. I can also incorporate a few of the questions you brought forth in our next video. Thanks for the input. We really appreciate your time.
I love this:
> As we finally came across a temomi-cha, we realized that just because something is more difficult and time consuming to produce doesn’t mean that the outcome is any, namely, that the tea did not taste that great.
I concur with @curious above. I’m not really your target market, because I’m so focused on China teas, but if I were I’d like to see some content about preparation methods.
If I were to become part of your market, I’d probably need some Japanese teaware.
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