Jason select said


If you hadn’t seen this, check out the new contest from DAVIDsTEA on Twitter. Here are the rules:

CONTEST! 1) Log on to steepster.com
2) Review a favourite DT
3) Tweet the link with @davidstea, @steepster, your username and #mycupoftea
4) A winner each week!


2 Replies
Uniquity said

If I was willing to do Twitter, that would be a sweet deal…I love David’s Tea, and getting some for free would be awesome!

Also seems funny since when I tried to talk to the newer girl at DT a few weeks ago about Steepster she had no clue what I was talking about. Wasn’t a fan of her, sadly. : (

Jason select said

Surprisingly enough, not everyone has heard of Steepster ;) Tell your friends!

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