While they have a reputation as a trustworthy seller that is just too cheap to be real LBZ in my opinion but you never know.
Cwyn reviewed this tea in her blog a couple of weeks ago.
Here is the review:
Lao Ban Zhang has skyrocketed in prices as of late. This may have been from before the supply was locked up by Chen Shen Hao. I would read Cwyn’s post and see if it sounds good to you. Other than that I would go with a trustworthy seller. One that has been over there and sourced the tea.
You could always try some of our sellers premium line. I know that Scott, Paul and Glen have some good personally sourced teas.
I have a box with only LBZ in it; in my Kantian ethical view, I believe we all should
‘Seek not the favour of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them’
I’m a physicist, not a philosopher, so I have a box that may or may not have a dead cat in it. (if you don’t know the story, google "Schroedinger’s cat).
W2T should do a run of border cakes and call them Laos Ban Zhang
this post win the internet :-D
And as an artist/designer I’ll offer to do the cover, ? If you’re reading W2T hint hint
Thanks for all the quick responses! I already bought the 2009 Lao ban Zhang from YS so I’m curious to compare the one from Tao with it. Does Tao’s story check out about the puerh market in 08?
Tao claims his LBZ was a private buy that he ordered a year ahead in ’07. There is no real way of checking anything out, except to try the tea and judge the quality of it, as a good tea or not.
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