Pubertea Group Buy, Aged Puerh

240 Replies

Spending money on puerh is easy…. Goodness.

Josh just said he has a full that he would sell for $152 plus shipping….

I may grab this as well and let another spot in; would still be 12g of Wistaria for all… We shall see.

That’s my local tea house! It’s a great place, and they have wonderful tea.

Babble said

I might be interested in another spot if you open it up.

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There is over five more people trying to get in! So here’s the deal: If I let in a few more people for a total of 30 slots, would anyone be upset with only 10g of Wistaria (of both cakes). Scratch that, keeping it where it’s been.

’Here’s why: Essence of Tea has offered to privately sell me a sold out cake for this group buy. That cake is the 2000 Kai Yuan (purple).’Get ready for an amazing gift from me to you.

The only issue is that the last three people wouldn’t get a 2003 ball and they would pay $59.40 instead of $64.40 not adding new spots.
I believe it would provide a bit more enjoyment, but I understand that some people use more leaf on aged sheng… so would 10g opposed to 12g cause anyone to say no? 12g it stays

While you all have put trust in me to do the best I can, your input is very important to me.

I’ll keep working on this daily, it’s slowly coming to a finalization though!

Lastly, I have people interested in helping me buy the extra cakes I bought at good prices so I may swap one of the surprises for the J Tea cake about because, well… I want it :p

Please feel free to contact me privately with your concerns or here. I will do my best to make this the best experience possible :)

even more info
270g left Additional Wisteria is $.60 a gram, minimum of 20g
2 slots left Additional 2004 Arbor (Bana), $21 for 70g’sh
2 slots left Additional 1992 Zhong Cha $12 for 70g’sh
3 slots left Additional 2005 Hong Tai Chang $16 for 70g’sh

No new spots being made, the 2004 Bana will be swapped out with the EoT and I will cover the difference in price so everyone can enjoy it : )

AllanK said

The main difference between 12g and 10g is 12g is two sessions in a 100ml gaiwan, 10g is two sessions in a 50ml gaiwan. Not a huge big deal just have to change the brewing vessel. For someone without a very small gaiwan it might be a problem.

Babble said

Can you reiterate what would be included if we bought a spot now?

All the spots are filled, but those who are in can view the updated list on the OP. I will continue to add things as they are bought to the top section.

Alex_fred said

AllanK that’s my concern as well. The drop off is just in the range that it’s affecting how I’m planning on steeping the samples. I don’t have small enough brewing vessels to get two sessions at the g/mL I like at 10g.

Maybe time to get one of those dinky gaiwans.

Hopefully it’s not confusing. The amounts are on the OP. I won’t make you suffer with 10g. Also, I got overtime this weekend so no worries on the difference in cost for the EoT cake, I’ve got it covered

AllanK said

Just bought:

Also, there is a few spots left on the extra cakes since I went crazy with the buys :P
Again, I’m swapping out the Bana cake for the EoT cake and paying the difference; do not worry about the cost, vendors tend to send me 10g of random stuff on top of orders and I feel guilty keeping them even if I did the work so this will offset that feeling : )

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Babble said

Aww bummer – okay I thought we were opening up more spots. Okay let me know if that changes.

Wish I could… but there are six people wanting in. Sometimes you just have to stay firm on a decision and this one is the amount of people that are in this.

Quite a few bought in without expressing interest and that’s fine. Next year, in August, I will know to extend more time for sign ups because this blew up quickly.

Babble said

Understandable. You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not tea :)

Rasseru said

Only nearly tea

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Just inspected the 2005 Glee raw tous; these ran $75 each so I wanted to make sure it was legit old stuff.

They don’t have a single hint of funky smell so I am pretty confident in the private sellers storage at this point.

Matu said


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I thought Bana was fancy packaging… and then SunSing came in. Double boxed inside the thickest clear plasic bag I’ve ever seen and then wrapped twice as you can see in this picture:

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Dr Jim said

how much extra for the tacos?

Rasseru said

I want some tacos with cypress dong ding marinade

Dr Jim said

Food/tea pairing: Dong ding with ding dongs?

mrmopar said

At my house it would be ding dongs with Dong ding..

Rasseru said

as a funny side story my best mates brother lives in japan. He got invited to a wedding (i think it was a wedding anyway, something quite formal with family I do know) and decided to do a speech (before he had learnt much of the language). At the end of it he held up his glass and said ‘And as we say in england – chin chin!’ and drank his drink. If you didnt know, chinchin is the word for penis

much confusion resulted

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I am putting the additional stuff on IG on Monday so please let me know if you wanted any.
What is left is:

210g left Additional Wisteria is $.60 a gram, minimum of 20g
0 slots left Additional 2004 Arbor (Bana), $21 for 70g’sh
1 slots left Additional 1992 Zhong Cha $12 for 70g’sh
2 slots left Additional 2005 Hong Tai Chang $16 for 70g’sh
Updated 9/12

Between the extra stuff selling (thanks everyone), the support I’m getting from the community, the small 5g samples vendors have given me, and my excitement for lasik this Friday: I ordered a cake of something special to break up and gift to everyone : )
Something like 18 days until I see that, so timing should still be the same.

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Oh man, I can’t believe my luck lately. Return to steepster after a year (?) hiatus, and there are no slots left in this group buy. Phew. More tea samples is not what I need in my life right now.

Rasseru said

I thought you were the all-steeping-pot

Well… I may have been fishing for someone (like you?) suffering from buyer’s remorse.. Although I’ve had several of the teas, it looks like a lot of fun :)

Rasseru said

I missed this one as well. Been on a couple of months hiatus. Ive just made up for it by buying enough heicha to last me at least a year though :)

Is there a such thing as too many samples though?

Dr Jim said

Yes. I have boxes of samples. The boxes pile on other boxes and I can’t get at half of them. For non-puerh samples, they then slowly deteriorate. For all I know the puerh is also going bad. I would go on hiatus, but Liquid Proust keeps putting stuff like this out there and I have no resistance.

As an insight into my disease, my puerh spreadsheet currently lists 227 teas, but this DOES NOT INCLUDE travelling tea box samples or Liquid Proust’s offerings (too small to enter). If I added everything up it would be nearly 300, most of which are less than 10 grams.

Rasseru said

And as the steepster tea doctor You need to self-medicate via tea sample administration. At least once every two days. Preferably IV but oral will suffice

I made a heroic effort at drinking samples a while back, but for 2016 I decided to sample wide, take my time, and make sure to be discerning.

So I’m right back where I started, samples everywhere, drawer full, boxes, floating on table, sometimes 3 vessels in rotation, wheh spring harvest is nice .. A lot of good tea this year!

And Jim, friendly advice – you should be careful with keeping records of your drug transactions like that, it can turn into trouble in so many ways.

So I feel as if I am a good guy doing bad things… Maybe I should keep a list of who to not let in on the group buys…

2017 Sheng Olympiad will jam us all up a bit :)

Rasseru said

No cheating or doping this time just a clean race please lp

Dr Jim said

You make jokes about drugs, but I was gong-fuing at a scout trip last weekend and shared a tea with one of the other adult leaders that had way too much cha qi. Slight embarrassment. At least i wasn’t sharing with a scout.

Re 2017 Sheng Olympiad, I’m already looking for more shelf space. Good news is that I’ve sipped down half of the 2016 already (which sounds slow, but is pretty good for me).

Good thread: I’m now sipping down 2015 Moonlight Sonata, which clears up a bit of space for the 2017 buy.

Rasseru said

No please, tell all of the time you spiked papa bear (is that cubs?) Or stitched up grand owl or whatever her name is

Rasseru said

I want a full explanation

Dr Jim said

It was only 3 ounces. Not a tea drunk, just a tea “what the heck was that?”

Rasseru said

only 3 ounces :lol:

mrmopar said

I only have 10 containers of samples….

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Group buy has been renamed PUBERTEA… not sure why I didn’t do that earlier.

Also, I began the breaking: 2006 Qixiang from YQH,

Allowing myself a few weeks to do all of this is so much better than taking three days at 5 hours each to do it all, thanks for being patient.

Lastly, all of the Wistaria extra sold out so all that is left for extra is
1 slots left Additional 1992 Zhong Cha $12 for 70g’sh
2 slots left Additional 2005 Hong Tai Chang $16 for 70g’sh

> Allowing myself a few weeks to do all of this is so much better than taking three days at 5 hours each to do it all, thanks for being patient.

I have already forgotten most of what’s in this and am not looking back at the thread to figure it out. All I know is that I’m psyched to try out some older/higher-end teas than what I’ve tasted so far.

Rui A. said

Lol when posting to the UK please just mention TEA in the customs declaration. Customs might charge VAT (sales tax) for PUBERTEA!

Dr Jim said

Twenty years ago they might have confiscated it.

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I had a great weekend and the best time to break cakes is when you’re in a good mood so I got quite ahead on this. Broke up the tous and this beauty:

Alex_fred said

That’s a stupidly good looking beeng. Are the leaves that large and in tact all the way through the cake?

Phi said

Pretty! Yay I am so excited about these teas! ^^

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