Depends who the old crew is, hahah. Why the new account?
Hi there! Well…I was on shortly after Steepster started and have been out of it for about 2 years (I can’t believe it’s been 2 years!) I have had a hard time with my old account logging in and such…figured it was just easier :) How are you!?
I was known as Awkward Soul years back, been lurking steepster since 2011. I’m good, I totally remember ya!
Hey! Glad you’re back! Good to see the older Steepsterers around but it’s a shame you had to start a new account. I think you might have had the most tasting notes…
I thought about that…might go back to it at some point. It’s ok, tho :) Thanks for the welcome back, too!!!! Good to see you again as well!
Hey welcome back! I posted under the account JamesR before, but I definitely remember you!
I remember BOTH of your accounts :)
Good to see you back. I’m a 2010 account, so you may remember me. I have missed seeing you here. I had not been on much for maybe two years and got to reading and posting again a couple months ago. There is way more spamming than years back. Using the ‘explore’ tab you can see some nonsense name ‘joining’ at a rate of several a minute. Admins are rarely seen.
And it’s all about Pu-erh, so that is interesting. Also, I can recommend Liquid Proust’s ‘group buy’ sampling, which I just received. I got adventurous and will try his Rummy Pu, which made the first page.
Nice group of folks here. Very helpful.
Hi!!!! Nice to see you again! Rummy Pu? Sounds cool!
hi welcome back its nice to see you back you have always been such a friendly nice and helpful person.
hi there!!! Nice to see you again!!!
Bout time you came back Numero uno! I still miss Az and Bonnie drops by on occasion. Pu heads are taking over……… :P
Yeah! I miss them, too! Pu heads…lol…
Glad you popped back in here,
Still in the background. Still never posting.
I see you are still over at tea trade too!
Welcome back! Not sure if i qualify as the old crew..but i’m still here heh just quieter these days!
I’m still here too – glad you came back :)
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