I’ve been thinking about international relations lately and the currency difference as well as shipping and came to agreement with myself to do start making it more accessible for others.
This group buy is now offered at $32usd to Canada and $35usd overseas. This price includes shipping and will be collected via PayPal privately.
I plan to do some learning about the exchange rates to figure out how to do the same with future group buys in a way that can work evwrytime; wether it is a calculation or just cutting a deal.
I’ll be doing a tasting event for the green tea from Hawaii on August 25th, if anyone wants to wait until then to drink it on the same day that’d be cool :)
Is this at your place or on Google Hangouts?
It’ll be at my house. If you can find others for Hangouts that would be sweet!
I haven’t been browsing Steepster enough lately and this almost got by me. Glad I didn’t miss it. Looks like a great selection of teas.
Just put an order in and couldn’t be more excited!
This purple tea is absolutely fantastic. Quite complex and completely different when brewed.
Going to be getting more of this for sure.
Tried the Nandi Hills Black or the Monsoon Black as I think you called it here. It was good but I did not find it spectacular. Very strong notes of malt and weaker notes of chocolate. Don’t think I’ll be buying this one any time soon. If I had a shortage of tea around here I might consider a purchase.
Did this ever sell out or do you still have slots left?
25 slots left, still trying to find out how I’ll get more interest
I ordered through your website and paid with Etsy but apparently that means I can’t leave a review on Etsy. :( There doesn’t seem to be a way to leave a review on your website, either. Am I missing something?
Etsy has yet enabled a way to review on orders through their ‘pattern’ sites… so, no. : (
Be aware, the Island Green Tea from Hawaii brews at 195… I found out late and ruined a session
Im so skint right now.. really gutted ive missed your last couple of group buys :/
hopefully soon i’ll be back on my feet money-wise
I still have 20 slots of this left _________
Great, i’ll be able to get in on this one then I think
Just PM me, I’ll hook you up with a discount since it’s overseas and all.
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