Ceramic teapot with lid that stays on?
I’m looking for a 4-cup ceramic teapot with a lid that stays on and that doesn’t drip. Any ideas?
Not sure if these are big enough:
https://www.teaforte.com/store/tea-accessories/teapots/pugg-teapot/ (24oz)
http://www.adagio.com/teaware/personaliTEA_teapot_black.html (24oz)
I second the Stump teapot. It is really nice and the lid is permanently attached. Got mine from www.svtea.com though.
All of Bee House teapots. I don’t believe they have their own retail outlet, but you can find them through a few different tea companies, and on Amazon.
I have a couple of Bee House teapots. They are great teapots but if I remember right the ones I have the lid falls right off. The Stump Teapot has an attached lid.
The ones I’ve seen are the same as the Teaforte ones, where they have a metal lid that’s kept attached by a clip at the back. I bought one once for my sister and it was pretty firmly on there.
The ones I have the lid will fall right off if your not careful. It is definitely not firmly attached but loosely attached. The Stump teapot the lid is attached completely. You cannot remove it if you want to. Both are nice pots but in my experience the Bee House ones have a lid that tends to fall off. It has mostly happened when I’m cleaning the pot and have it completely upside down.
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