Herbal teas to drink with milk?
I’ve been having a lot of migraines lately and my doctor suggests cutting back on caffeine and seeing if that helps. Unfortunately, a cup of strong black tea with milk is a major highlight of the day for me! Does anyone have any recommendations of herbal teas that work with milk? I’ve tried a rooibos chai at a coffee shop that I liked so I think I will purchase some of that — do let me know if you have any recommendations for brands. I’m not sure if I like rooibos in general because I tried Trader Joe’s Rooibos Honeybush and I think it’s pretty gross. Like it tastes like a smokey hot dog or something. Not sure if that’s the rooibos or the honeybush (or both).
What else might go well with milk? For black teas I like English and Irish breakfasts, and one of my favorite teas is Lupicia Thé au Lait.
I enjoy most sweet rooibos blends (like Oh Canada and Birthday cake from David’s Tea) with milk. I also recommend trying peppermint and decaf black teas with milk too.
Can’t say I drink most teas with milk and definitely not rooibos but I can suggest some relatively good decaf black teas. I would also say that Trader Joes version of rooibos is probably a bad example of rooibos. I prefer green rooibos to red rooibos. My favorite green rooibos is Cederberg Harvest rooibos from Simpson and Vail. Simpson and Vail has some good decaf black teas. www.svtea.com.
For those who prefer milk with tea but need to do herbal, discovering rooibos is like opening up a whole new world.
The beauty of rooibos, as opposed to most herbals that are too light, is that it brews up a much more full bodied cup. Called red tea for a reason, the brew is the most like a black tea of any herbal.
An unflavored rooibos has a natural nutty flavor, however rooibos takes to flavoring and blending quite phenomenally.
There is a wide range of flavored, so go with what you like with blacks and search for that with rooibos.
Try a few more rooibos flavors before you form an opinion based on Trader Joes and Starbucks.
Without knowing what flavors you favor, aside from chai, I wouldn’t what to suggest. You could check out my teas, as I have blended several, but utilize Steepster search and you should be finding something you would feel comfortable ordering.
Unfortunately there is nothing as strong as an Irish Breakfast in rooibos or herbal. You’d just have to go with a decaf.
I peeked at your log and it looks like you could use something like this for the office.
Get an infuser basket for your mug. Or Tea-sacs, and your brewing experiences will be so much more satisfactory.
You might like a vanilla based rooibos. Look at Art of Tea, Adagio and Harney and Sons for easy and reliable.
For a very low caffeine tea (it has a tiny bit) you could try Japanese hojicha or for even less, a roasted kukicha. Both of these have very little caffeine. They are satisfying roasted teas that I imagine would go okay with milk.
As several people have mentioned, Rooibos and Honeybush take well to milk. They have some amount of flavor variation. Good varieties will be smooth and woody, with Honeybush usually being milder and sweeter. Sometimes they’re a bit nutty. Less pleasant varieties will taste sour, ashy, or medicinal. Try a few different companies to see what you like. I particularly like Adagio’s Honeybush Hazelnut. 52teas has an everchanging lineup if you get bored easily. If you like sweet teas, Davidstea’s Forever Nuts takes well to milk. Lapacho (also called Pau D’Arco), is probably the herbal that tastes most like black tea to me. Roasted Barley is dark and strongly flavored, it takes well to milk. I’ve also bought spices to make my own chai. Most recently I’ve bought them from Herbs Teas & Treasures; which sells one ounce quantities – handy for trying something new.
Indian chai teas are excellent with milk. Buy the chai tea that is an herbal blend which must be boiled, these usually contain hard whole spices. Boil the tea for 8-10 minutes in a kettle of water, turn off the heat before adding milk so it won’t curdle. You can strain before or after. Refrigerate leftovers and drink cold or reheat but not to boiling.
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