Weight Loss Teas
I have a friend that is trying to find a tea that can help her lose weight. . besides David’s Tea- The Skinny. . has anybody else had any luck with any other blends?
Thanks everyone for your input!!
Don’t fall for tea related weight loss hype. Any caffinated beverage (tea or not) will increase your metabolism and any tea without additives will help you loose weight because you are drinking it in place of drinking or eating high fat/calorie foods and beverages. I suggest your friend specifically check out chais and dessert flavored teas. Dr. Tea’s Tea Garden and 52teas have great ones.
To be honest, all the so-called “weight loss” teas (including oolong and puerh) give me very good appetite for the next meal, or snacks before next meal. The “weight loss” function always depends on how much you eat afterward :-p
I would recommend Pu-erh. Even though no studies have shown that it will cause you to lose significant weight, they do suggest that it can help. It has however, been seen to help reduce cholesterol significantly. It would be a great tea to incorporate into a diet change for sure.
Check out these two places; they have plain and flavored pu-erh available.
I would also recommend puerh, it is traditionally used after a heavy meaty greasy meal to help flush the grease out of the system.
Also, if properly stored and handled, it contains health bacteria that helps balance the digestive system, similar to yogurt and cultured foods.
Hey JoeCool,
We recently wrote a blog post about tea and health/weight related goals… We agree that Oolong and Pu-erh are the most known to aid directly in weight loss. But perhaps also getting a naturally sweet tea to satiate cravings would also help….
Hope this helps!
Sanctuary T
HAHA! I just did get her your tea of the week. I can’t wait to try it with her!
yay! we hope you love it. honestly we rarely think of satiating cravings cause they are just so good you feel guilty inside :) but with no calories
ANY of our teas will help you lose weight; just drink our teas whenever you feel like overeating (Paranoid Edit:) and then DON’T overeat.
Now, I haven’t been able to figure out how to do this myself, but in theory, it should work.
Paranoid retraction: The above statement was me being sarcastic. Our teas have no magical properties which will help you lose weight.
Lol, nor have I. I really should bring your teas to work and see if they can stop me and the other women from keeping our hands off the fresh pastries. It’s hard to work at a restaurant with such great desserts!
That is exactly what I’m doing. And Told her to do too!
(Hence the multiple orders from me that you have been getting :))
Well i agree to the fact that there is no herbal tea as such, to help anyone in losing weight. Though it is a good antioxidants, which helps in reducing stress & good for digestion, but when loosing weight is concerned i think proper diet & workout schedule helps in reducing weight, that too in a stipulated time period.
I would recommend a good genmaicha. Something, probably the toasted rice, gives me the feeling of being full. That helps prevent overeating.
In my youth I tried 3 Ballerinas tea. It’s marketed as a diet tea, but really it’s a laxative. Personally- never again!!
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