UPDATE on Puerh TTBs. Closed
2 July update: I mailed the Puerh Plus box on Friday and PTTB-5 goes out to HaveTeaWillTravel on Tuesday.
I’m still sifting through the two boxes. There is a LOT of tea here. What I’m doing is:
1. Complete inventory of all teas (Name, vendor, weight)
2. Compare inventory to what left my home last time
3. Relegation: I figure if a tea has been around once there is no longer much interest. For what I think are quality teas, I either leave it in the box or swap from one box to the other. In some cases, a tea was in both boxes. In that case, or for medium quality tea, I plan to send it to Liquid Proust for his puerh give-away. If I think the tea is low quality, I toss it.
4. Sample and replace.
5. Sort out the teas into the appropriate bags and boxes, and perform a second inventory.
6. Pack the boxes and ship.
I’m now working on step 5. I hope to be able to send out the Puerh Plus box sometime next week. Shortly before I do I will start a new thread, with rules and a list of participants. This is the last chance to join.
I’m going to wait until mid-July to ship the pure puerh box. There aren’t very many participants (not to late to sign up!). Also, Bitterleaf tea has offered some samples and I need to wait for them to arrive. In any event, I’m going to wait until mid-to-late July to ship the box. Liquid Proust is planning a tea even in Ohio based upon this box, so I’m going to time it to arrive in plenty of time for his event. I will start a new thread for that box as well shortly before I ship it.
I may be interested again but am curious to see what vendors you sign up this time. By the time the last box got to me most of the vendor stuff was gone except for a few EOT and Misty Peaks. I didn’t bother to sample the Misty Peaks as I already own it.
This time around, those were the only vendors. I think we need to understand that vendor participation in TTBs is the exception rather than the rule. We’ve been very lucky to have as many as we did.
While I might only want two or three teas on the next go around, but I’m getting people from all over Ohio to come over on a weekend I have the box I would be open to helping them both go through it and find what might help guide their taste while adding back in with what I have.
I think I’ll get something like 5 to 6 people together and we will break cakes from my stuff and add to it while we take from the box as well.
Awesome :)
I have bags, labels, and a scale. I believe there is three of us currently to which I can put in material for replacing; even more when CLT gets back :)
Ben from Cambridge is joining us as well. https://www.instagram.com/benjaminhuelskamp/
I will speak to Dr Jim about this opportunity and have more information later on; he will need time and space since he just got the boxes himself :)
ps that makes four of us :)
Details: Diving into a box of Pu
July 30th from 11am to 2:30pm
Liquid Proust will provide lunch and dedicate the time to splitting up the box, breaking tea cakes from personal stash, and drinking tea. Location is right behind the Polaris Mall and at 3pm at the same location you can join http://www.meetup.com/Columbus-Tea-Lovers/events/231378945/
The goal is to provide a solid tea experience for your travels while gaining access to a good selection of samples.
Rules as in how many grams per sample and how many samples are to come.
Example of last time: https://www.instagram.com/p/9mZbGqRYCq/
Attending: LP, Hoálatha, R.F. Hill, Ben, Jarret, Alyssa
I’m still interested! I think the beginners one would be more appropriate for me, because I’m definitely not an “experienced pu-head” lol. :)
ETA: Forgot to mention that I’m in NC.
Hi, I’m interested in the puerh plus box, and I’d like to be placed near the end of the list since my address won’t be stable until the end of Aug. I live in Ohio
TTBs usually take at least a couple of months to make their way around, so maybe you can ask to be placed near the end of the list if necessary :)
I like the idea of the TTB, since I can sample a wide range of teas. Thanks though!
It’s the same thing… Just multiple people going through it at once. No worries though.
Oh sorry, I thought you meant the mx-tea thing. I’m all right, but thanks for the offer
I’d be interesting in the beginner’s Puerh Plus box. I’m still pretty new on here and have wanted to try one of these TTB. I’m in Ohio.
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