I can’t wait for my order from Teavivre! Fresh Bi Luo Chun…
Green tea is my favourite type of tea and I haven’t been able to order much for the spring teas because I have too much to sip down. Lesson learned. Don’t stock up too much on green tea. Order small amounts because after 6 months it starts to lose it’s freshness. After one year it loses more flavour. There are some green teas I have approaching two years that I may have to throw out.
Yeah, I’ve learned to purchase green tea and green oolongs in 25g and under sizes for the same reason. This year I’m experimenting with buying tea in multiple sample packs and keeping the unopened ones in the fridge to extend freshness. Japanese greens may be a challenge though since they are typically sold in 100g and larger quantities.
Perhaps you can trying cold steeping to salvage some of your older green teas?
I get a lot of greens from Yunnan Sourcing and they typically sell them in 50g and up. Another of my favourite green teas is from an Aliexpress seller: Rizhao. That one typically sells in packages of 250g for about $10.00. YS has great prices too so I usually end up with too much tea! I think I will try freezing them (not enough room in my refrigerator for tea) when I get them. Maybe take out small amounts and freeze the rest.
Yes, the Japanese teas are another one sold in large quantities. I have too much green Japanese teas on hand right now too.
I am not a fan of cold steeping but I suppose it’s worth a try especially with the warm weather on the way.
Yeah I have the same issue. Too much green tea and green oolong I am trying to drink from 2015 here. I won’t be buying a lot in 2016. I have some Japanese green tea I am keeping in metal tins in the refrigerator. I would also toss any green tea over 2 years old.
If you need to roast your oolong, I can give you the tips on how to do it ghetto style in an oven; I try odd things like this all the time.
I’ve been trying to drink up some of my 2015 spring green tea, in order to justify buying more this spring. :) We’ll see how it goes..
A couple year ago some Chinese vendor talking about aging green tea (long Jing). I don’t like the idea, but just try to keep open minded. Maybe you can try and experiment with that?
Yunomi has pre order for 2016 Gyokuro … :)
I’m already done with a 50g bag of Mao Feng form Yunnan sourcing :)
Well, I shared this tea with 4 more people, so it went fast. Now drinking Lu An Gua Pian from Soleiltea.
I’ve finished off most of my Teavivre samples and a fair amount of shincha. I’m most looking forward to the spring greens I recently ordered from Verdant. Their shipping takes a while which gives me enough time to drink down the rest of my stash
Which ones did you order?
I had their regular grade dragon well recently, and it is AMAZING!
Got that one too and I’m stoked to see your recommendation because the other dragon wells I’ve tried this spring have been lackluster. Also picked up their Laoshan green (my favorite Verdant green) and the Laoshan Bi Luo Chun.
I just bought my second round of 2016 Nan Jing Yu Hua Cha from Grand Tea. My favourite green tea of 2016 so far.
I just placed my first order for spring 2019 tea from Yunnan Sourcing. Their Laoshan green tea last year was awesome so I picked up some Classic Laoshan green tea again this year along with a newcomer: “First Flush” Competition Grade Laoshan tea. I passed on the Imperial grade which was good but a little too delicate for my liking.
I also got some Tai Ping Hou Kui and my first ever Anji Bai Cha. Really excited to try Anji Bai Cha as I’ve heard so much about this tea but hadn’t found a good source for it until now (I hope).
Turning to Japan, I’ve been monitoring Yuuki-Cha as their roll out their spring shinchas. It starts in April and continues till June. They have a huge line-up of tea and I like to order a different one every year.
I’m skipping dragonwell this year. Feel a little guilty as its a spring tradition but dragonwell just doesn’t excite me.
What green teas are you guys buying this year?
I’m not much of a green tea drinker, even though the hype over the first teas of the season always makes me want to buy them. I might pick up a couple greens from YS when I make an order once the 2019 oolongs start coming in. I sometimes won spring green tea samplers from Teavivre giveaways, but they’ve switched all of them to Facebook, which I don’t have.
I’ve never tried Anji Bai Chai either, though it sounds interesting. You’ll have to let me know how it is.
My major spring temptations are FF Darjeelings and Taiwanese green oolongs!
One day, when my cupboard is under control, I want to buy some absolutely fresh spring green teas. Probably a variety.
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