Check out a photo of my teapot!

I posted it on Reddit, because I was so pleased with myself :)

Any other Redditors on here? I’d love to make your acquaintance! :)

6 Replies

I’m on reddit often, but mostly lurk, don’t post much … too much time on Instagram ;)

Brian said

its all about that Instagram crew.

Total lurker as well.

That pot though, it’s super pretty

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Ubacat said

What a beautiful pot and matching cups! Where did you find it?

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I found the teapot years ago when an Oakland-based WONDERFUL tea and bubble tea shop, called L’amyx, which was conveniently right across the street from a movie theater AND open late, closed.

I have so many good memories of this place. It introduced me to high-quality tea at a relatively young age (high school.) When they went out of business, this tiny little tea set was on sale.

If anyone on here can read Chinese, I can take a picture of the bottom of one of the cups so we can figure out where it came from. I’m curious too! I do know that it’s quite good quality since its original price for such a teensy item was over $100!

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