Current Promo Codes?
Does anyone know if Teas Etc or Samovar currently have any promo codes out? I am looking to place an order from both very soon :-)
There’s a great deal for 50% off at Samovar on LivingSocial today!
Hmm, as far as I can see, it can be used online. Option C reads: “$50 to spend online”…!
Excellent! I will be in SF this next week at the Gift show and again at the Fancy Food Show (several Tea Vendors there) on the 17th.
The Samovar is right next to the Moscone Center. I’ve been there several times, but until Steepster I did not know about the Hawaii-grown tea. Now I know to try it and have a coupon too!! Thanks Steeps!
I’ll look forward to posting a tasting note on that one.
I didn’t get the coupon after all. The discount did not include the Yerba Buena Gardens Samovar, which is where I will be. Dang.
We are keeping a forum board setup for listing promotions. We slowed down on the updates since the holidays, but we will get right back into the swing of it soon. We are also inviting anyone who keeps track of promotions to let us know over there.
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