Ali Express - how to search for a vendor
How do you search for a vendor on Ali Express? I’ve been trying to find a particular seller who was recommended to me but just typing in the name doesn’t bring anything up.
If you know the store name I usually just Google it. This might work for the vendor as well.
Thanks. I did that. Thinking maybe it is victim of multiple ways of spelling Chinese characters in English. :)
Possibly:-). I generally have had better success with searching store names. Vendor searches are difficult.
Yeah… I wasn’t given the store name, just the vendor. And it took 6 months to get that much, so asking for a store name will probably take another 6 months. :)
The jin jun mei that Min River used to carry. Chris finally got back to me and said his supplier had been a source called Lao Fu in Ning De with a farm in Wuyi Mountain. Said that while they do sell internationally, he’d never dealt with anyone who spoke English. :) So he recommended “Jun De” on Ali Baba/Ali Express as a fantastic (as the originator of jin jun mei they should be fantastic) source as well. But I wasn’t having any luck turning them up. I can always pore through the jin jun mei listings on both sites when I have a few spare hours. But failing that, I think I’m eventually going to try Dragon Tea House as their JJM specifically says it is from “Junde Tea Industry” in Wuyi Mountain. But, as is to be expected, I found lots of other tea there that I need as well so it may have to wait for a Doomcart purchase. :)
If you search using jun De and jinjunmei using Google it seems to come up with sellers claiming Teas from the junDe Tea factory.
And were to options I found.
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