Puerh Travelling Tea Box - On its way!

95 Replies

The TTB was sent on it’s way to the Owl’s new nest today. It just barely fit in a large USPS Flat Rate Box :D

I did not finish off any teas, but a few of the samples are down to a single serving.


Vendor Samples:
3.5g : 2015 Autumn Sheng (Misty Peak)
3.5g : 80’s/90’s Wuzhou Tea Factory Liu Bao (EoT)
3.5g : 2001 Jingmai Ancient Tree (EoT)
3.5g : 2008 Mr. Feng ‘Selected Trees’ (EoT)
3.5g : 2015 EoT Yiwu San Jia Zhai (EoT)

3.5g : Mystery Sheng
3.5g : 2005 “Jinuoshan” Yiwu Gu Qiao Mu (Chawnag)
3.5g : 2010 “Bang Dong Village” Raw (YS)
3.5g : 2014 Bulang “Tribute Tea” Sheng (CLT)
3.5g : Midwest Nice (W2T)
3.5g : 2000 Yiwu Raw Brick
3.5g : 2002 CNNP 7542 (Goshopstreet)
3.5g : 2004 Lao Banzhang (Puerh.sk)
3.5g : 2007 Repave (W2T)

5.0g : Tangerine Ripe (W2T)
5.0g : 1998 White Tuo Shou (W2T)
3.5g : 2014 Iron Forge (CLT)
5.0g : 2009 Menghai Dayi Golden Brick Ripe (KingTea)

Total Taken: 67.5g


13g : 2000 CNNP “Zhang Xiang Bu Lang” Aged Raw (YS)
13g : 2005 Yang Qing Hao “Tsang Liu Gushu” Raw (YQH)
13g : 2006 Ming-Yuan Hao “Yi Wu – 858 Puerh Museum” (Hou De)

15g : 1996 CNNP “Green Mark Te Ji” Ripe (YS)
15g : 2009 YS “Yi Dian Hong” Ripe (YS)

Total Added: 69.0g

Now the fun begins!

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The box is in Seattle! I carried it right under the Space Needle too. I’ll update when it is ready to head east again.

I’m not big on making request… but if you leave the rest of that 2004 LBZ Puerh.sk alone, I will be happy enough to send you a gift :)

Found it and there’s 6g left. It’s all yours

I’m sending owl pellets from owls who only ate catipllars that graze on CS in Taiwan. Extremely rare stuff. These owls are imported for this reason. I haven’t tried it yet because it’s reserved to try with friends.

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Pu TTB is ready to move again!

FYI, the 2015 Misty Peak had a big hole in the bottom of the bag. Some was lost in the box. I repacked it in a new bag.

Sampled, 4 to 6 gram each

2010 Star of Menghai
2013 Menghai Golden Yellow Needle White lotus
2007 Menghai Adorned in Red Dayi Mandala
2013 Menghai Don Quing
2009 YS Yi Dian Hong
2011 Menghai 8592
2007 Yong De organic Mandala
2008 Menghai 7632

2000 YS CNNP Zhangxiang bulang
2005 Tsang Liu Gushu YQH
2014 Misty Peak ball
2005 Yiwu Chawang YQH

Reviewer samples, 4 to 5 gram each
2015 Misty Peak Sheng
2001 Jing Mai Ancient Tree EOT
2015 Sam Jia Zhai Spring Yiwu EOT
2008 Mr Feng Select Tree EOT
1980/1990 Wuzhou Liu Bao EOT

2005 Jinnoshan TF Yiwu Gu Qiaomen Sheng, Chawang Shop

Taken out = 93g


2008 Bana Limited Edition Sheng, 20g, Bana Tea
2015 Bulang Mini Cake Sheng, 20g, Bana Tea
2016 Fade Sheng, 20g, White2Tea
2015 Bamboogie Sheng, 20g, Mandala Tea
2009 Liu Bao Heicha, 13g, Treasure Green

I’m waiting on LP’s address and hopefully shipping Wednesday. TTB will be going across country in a large flat rate.

Thanks for adding some Bana :)
I’ll buy some from them this week and add more or theirs and samples yours! Yippi!

The owner at Bana Teas is in China right now so she’s not shipping until the end of the month. I recently tried the two shengs and they were pretty good, so I went to order more but saw the notice.


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6g 06’ Yiu 858, Hou De
6g 15’ Bulang, Bana Tea
7g 08’ Limited, Bana Tea
8g Fade, W2T
8g 15’ TanJia, EOT
6g 80/90 LuiBao, EOT
17g 202 SNNP 7542, Goshopstreet
19g Midwest Nice, W2T (I just took the one piece)
10g 2014 Misty Peaks Tea
1pc ball 2014 Misty Peaks Tea
1pc Smooch, W2T
8g 15’ Hekai Gushu, Chawang
9g 14’ Jingmai, Chawang
9g 14’ Bulang, Crimson Lotus Tea
6g 15’ Bosch, W2T
8g 03’ Mt. Banzhang, who the heck knows

24g 2012 Naka (spring), Tea Urchin
27g 2011 Jing Gu (spring), Tea Urchin
12g 2011 Luo Shui Dong (autumn), Tea Urchin
30g 2016 Monkey Memorial, Bai Champoux
24g 2015 Ye Zhu Tang, Yunnan Sourcing
15g 2015 Lord of the Lakes, Whispering Pines
4pcs 2003 Golden Flowers Mini Toucha, Shimonoseki

20g Rummy Pu
15g Jacked Raw

Total Taken: 144g
Total Added: 160’ish’g

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Rich select said

The box has arrived.

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Rich select said

Got my samples done today. Rummy pu? That was a really unique one from Liquid Proust! It smells like a barrel of rum. I put it in a sealed Baggie to contain the odor. That should be an interesting one!

I finished:
2013 Dayi Godlen Needle White Lotus
2004 YQH Teji Pin
2006 YQH Chawang

I sampled most of the EoT teas, and took 6-7 g each of the following:
2015 Bamboogie Sheng
2016 Fade, W2T
2012 Naka, TU
2015 Bulang Mini, Banna
2011 Jing Gu, TU
1996 CNNP Green Mark Te Ji
Rummy Ripe

I added 25g each of the following:
2014 Top Yunnan Yellow Dragon Ripe, Streetshop88
2015 Ta Go Sheng, Jalam
2013 Bada Sheng, Puer.sk

I should be able to ship out later this week.
Cheers, All!

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AllanK said

Got the box today. Will begin sampling tomorrow.

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AllanK said

So far I have added the following
2015 Haiwan Da Man Lu 25g Berylleb
2013 Awazon 1302 15g
2013 Awazon 1305 15g
2006 Awazon 100 Years Old Tree Raw Cake Red 15g

So far I have drank the following
2004 Denong Red Label Ripe 11g
2007 Yong De Organic Ripe 9g
Luo Shui Dong Autumn 2011 Tea Urchin 7g
2006 Gold Award Ripen Puerh Tea Cake Chunhai Tea Factory Puerhshop
Bambogie 2015 Mandala 7g
2001 Jing Mai Ancient Tree EOT 6g
2015 Lord of the Lakes Whispering Pines 9g
2015 Ta Go Raw Jalam Teas 7g
Rummy Pu Liquid Proust Teas 6g
2015 Bulang Raw Mini Cake Sheng Bana Tea 7g
Master Han’s 2013 Sheng Puerh Verdant Tea 5g
Naka 2012 Spring Tea Urchin 7g

I will probably add a couple more teas tomorrow and take a couple more out. Hopefully I will get the box out on Tuesday if all things go as planned.

AllanK said

Also took 8g of the Monkey Memorial
Also took 8g of the Bada 2013 from Puerh.sk

Also added
2006 Menghai Dayi 0562 ripe from Awazon 15g
2012 Awazon Aged Royal Ripe 15g

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AllanK said

Mailed the box out today. It’s back on it’s way to Dr Jim.

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Dr Jim said

The box just arrived. See my other post to sign up for the next round

AllanK said

Glad it arrived safely. Curious to know what you think of the Awazon teas when you get a chance to sample them.

Dr Jim said

I’ve been looking forward to trying them. Twice I almost placed an order but then something better came along.

AllanK said

I find their tea to be good quality, but it may not be the very best out there. I think it good quality for the money involved. I have tried more of their ripe than their raw. I still have to try their LBZ which I bought from Liquid Proust. If their LBZ were proven real it would be quite a bargain.

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