Puerh Travelling Tea Box - On its way!

95 Replies
AllanK said

I would like to participate in this round too, I have been on the fence about it. I can now actually, at least in theory get at my puerh tea after my move. Finding specific teas may be impossible yet however.

Dr Jim said

I’ll put you near the end of the list. That should give you a couple of months to unpack.

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Dr Jim said

Good news! I finally received the EoT samples and they look fabulous. I’ve updated the main entry to have a list of participants in the order I hope to ship. If we allow 1-2 weeks for each person (incuding mailing times) you can estimate the schedule. Let me know if you anticipate a problem.

Excellent! I’m looking forward to this :)

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Tyler S said

Hey! Is it possible to join in on this TTB? Would like to build a reputation and share some pu erh!

Dr Jim said

Most travelling tea boxes, including this one, require a fairly long and active history on Steepster before letting people join. When I checked your profile, you’re not there yet.

The reason for this rule is that people have a tendency to get really excited when they first find steepster but often drift away. You’re about the 10th person I’ve sent this message to, and only 2 of them were still around when the box returned 4-5 months later. If you stay active, you’ll have other opportunities.

You’re too late for the Sheng Olympics, but you might look into the dark matter group purchase. It will give you a lot of the same features as the travelling tea box as well as draw you into the community.

mrmopar said

Tyler hang around and post a bit. I followed you and if you do the same we can message. I saw mainly puerh in your cupboard so you will fit in with us pu heads. Give time to see you active and you will be in here with us.

boychik said

Followed you

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Dr Jim said

And here’s what you’ve all been waiting for: the final list of teas:
Shou (Year, tea, vendor, amt in grams)
1998 White Tuo (Ripe) W2T 30
1999 Golden Tea Royal Tea Bay 22
2002 Yong Pin Hao Red Yiwu ? 5
2003 Hongyin W2T 7
2005 Haiwan Fragrance of Cassia Twigs Berlleb 4
2006 Chunhai Gold Award Puerhshop 22
2006 Little Gold Melon Shu W2T 20
2007 Menghai Dayi Adorned in Red Mandala 14
2007 Yong De Mandala 26
2007 Yunhe Banzhang King Puerhshop 18
2008 CHNP Guangxi 8119 Lin Pao Tea 6
2008 Menghai 7632 Menghai Dayi (MrMopar) 16
2008 Shucha From Bulang Beautiful Taiwan 13
2009 Yunnan Menghai Dayi Golden Brick King Tea 21
2010 Star of Menghai Menghai Dayi (MrMopar) 18
2010 Yunnan Menghai Dayi Yunding King Tea 13
2011 Menghai 8592 Menghai Dayi (MrMopar) 18
2012 Mengsong Puerhshop 13
2012 MGH 1204 Grade 7 Puerhshop 12
2012 Yiwu Zhengshan Puerhshop 15
2013 Chen Sheng Snake’s Aliexpress King Tea 21
2013 Menghai Dan Qing Menghai Dayi (MrMopar) 18
2014 Dayi Dao Cha Tuo Puerhshop 12
2014 Iron Forge CLT 14
2014 Menghai LangHe 7599 Goshopstreet 30
2015 Brown Sugar W2T 11
2015 Pretty Girls W2T 12
2015 Red Shroom W2T 14
Furyu Batabatacha Yunomi 5
Puerh ABC Tea House 14
Tangerine W2T 21
Sheng (Year, tea, vendor, amt in grams)
80/90’s Wuzhou Tea Factory Liu Bao Essence of Tea 58
1990’s HK style W2T 12
2001 Jing Mai Ancient Tree Essence of Tea 58
2002 CNNP 7542 GoShpstreet 23
2003 Mt BanZhang Farmer’s Coop 7
2004 Lao Banzhang Puerh.SK 40
2005 Lang He ? 16
2005 Jinnoshan TF Yiwu Gu Qiamen Chawang Shop 12
2005 Chawang YQH 22
2006 Chawang YQH 6
2007 Clouds and Fog Mandala 5
2007 Repave W2T 26
2008 Mr Feng Selected Trees Essence of Tea 58
2010 Shang Jiang Mengku Arbor’s Peak 27
2010 Dong YS 29
2011 Chun Hai LongRun 9
2011 Jingu Mini-cake YS 33
2011 Pasha Mt YS 11
2012 Ku Zhu Mtn Mandala 10
2013 Do Xue 5 Century Mandala 11
2013 Huang Ying Menghai YS 4
2014 Autumn Loose Misty Peaks 9
2014 Bulang Tribute CLT 8
2014 Jingmai Gushu Hang Pian CWS 6
2014 New Amerykah 2 W2T 8
2014 Tao Cha Ju Mengsong ? 14
2015 Autumn Misty Peaks 54
2015 Chawangpu Hekai Gushu CWS 13
2015 San Jia Zhai Yiwu Puerh Essence of Tea 58
2015 QianJiaZhai Old Growth Verdant 9


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nycoma said

^ are you kidding me, thats epic proportions!

mrmopar said

That;s a BIG box Dr Jim! WOW!

Dr Jim said

It’s actually considerably smaller than the third round. However, after splitting off the beginner’s box, we have just an amazing average quality level. The donations from MrMopar, Essence of Tea, and Misty Peaks kicked the quality (and quantity) up a notch as well. There’s also some great left-overs from all the tea W2T gave us for the last box, though I shunted about 2/3 of that into the beginner’s box.

nycoma said

how many boxes will you ship?

Dr Jim said

This is a travelling tea box, so it is just one box that circulates. There are also several non-puerh boxes circulating as well, but I’m not involved in them.

I currently have two boxes circulating. The original Puerh box was getting kind of big, and I’ve been wanting to start a Puerh beginners box. This box is strictly limited to Puerh, while the beginners box lets people replace a certain amount of puerh with other tea, so someone can try a wide variety of puerh even if they don’t own much.

nycoma said

sounds great, i love puerh so…
but i live in canada.

Dr Jim said

I looked into that for the first box, but sending 4 or 5 pounds of tea to Canada was just ridiculously expensive.

AllanK said

I’m sure there are enough Canadian puerh drinkers on Steepster to create a Canadian Puerh Tea TTB. Why don’t you start one?

nycoma said

me? not sure i have enough tea to start one, plus im attached to most of them lol. hows it work?

Dr Jim said

The secret to starting a TTB is to have more tea than you can possibly drink. It takes about 2 pounds of tea to have a good start, but when I wanted to start this one, several people sent me stuff to add, so I’d guess that the first box was about 75% my tea.

There is already a non-puerh Canadian tea box. You might ask them if there is much puerh content. If you drink other teas, that might be a simple way to start out.

AllanK said

Once you have enough tea to start one post on the main board for Canadian puerh drinkers, that’s all. You would need to set rules for it like Dr Jim did. That’s to make sure the box doesn’t get lost.

nycoma said

oh man if i had a cake for every sample size i have we’d be good lol. but that is not the case. im thinking that by the time i have that much tea, a canadian puerh ttb will have been started.. o well

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curlygc said

Oh man I cannot wait!

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Dr Jim said

Dedication: It was 24 deg F when I dropped of the tea box at Bedford’s open-air post office:

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The eagle has landed.

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To clarify only 5g of EoT and MP? how about 7, only because I usually brew in 7…

Dr Jim said

7 is Ok if that’s what you usually do. I’m just hoping not everyone takes that much. Glad you got the box in time to enjoy it on the weekend.

awesome :D I am too, I was so excited when I saw it at the mail box. This is a superb box of tea.

Dr Jim said

IMHO every round has been a big step up from the last. Don’t know how much longer that can continue, but it’s a lot of fun.

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I am moving at the end of March to Seattle, WA. I should have a mailing address soonish, but just letting you all know in advance just in case I need to be moved somewhere later on the list. Guess it also depends how fast the box moves, but I totally wanna stay on the list and got more Bana Teas to contribute as a bribe.

So… you’re after me and I like my tea bribes :P

if it moves slowly then hopefully it won’t change, then you get the Banas. Not much in beenghole, I mostly got bricks.

Dr Jim said

I think we should be OK with the current order. Everyone usually takes at least a week and there are 3 people ahead of you. Worst case we can ask someone to sit on the box for an extra few days. Since you are the sole west coast person it would kind of mess the order up to change, though we could certainly do so if we need to.

Hi Char (or should I say “Hoot!”). I can coordinate when to ship the box if it’s close to your moving date since I’m right before you in the list.

Ok cool TeaExplorer. It would be easier to PM me on Teafriends Slack when everything goes down, I might be mobile only for awhile and Steepster mobile is crap.

Will do.

Okay, I got dates and things booked. I’m flying to Seattle on April 9th. I should have a PO box set up before I arrive.

Dr Jim said

I’d recommend that curlygc and TeaExplorer each take a couple extra days with the box, just to create some slack. I suspect Awkward Soul will be pretty busy right after the move.

Also, @TeaExplorer: Look into postage rates, but I suspect that the best deal mailing to Seattle from FL will be to use a flat-rate box. Awkward Soul can then use the flat-rate box to Liquid Proust, who’ll need to go back to a regular box.

Will do, Dr Jim, on both counts.

curlygc said

Taking some extra time will not be an issue for me; I expect to get the box in the middle of my work week (after a four-day weekend, arg!) so I won’t really get to it until the weekend anyway. I won’t rush :-)

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