Japan Tea Tour 2016

Hi Steepsters!

We are a new company offering loose leaf tea and guided tours of the beautiful tea gardens of Asia. I know you guys like tea, so why not visit the source?

There are lots of places to buy tea, but few opportunities to connect directly with the people who grow and produce the teas you love. We want to literally bring together tea lovers and the amazing farmers, pickers, and factory workers who work so hard to produce high quality tea. See first hand what it takes to bring the tea leaf from the field to the factory, and finally, to the cup. No mystery or mysticism, just an amazing tea adventure!

You can check us out here:

Our first trip will be to Japan this coming Spring (May 20-May 28). We will cap the trip at 8 people plus 2 guides, so everyone can have a very personal experience. This is a great opportunity for tea enthusiasts as well as tea professionals to gain expert knowledge of Japanese tea and Japanese tea production.

You can also look forward to tours of Taiwan, China, India, and Nepal in the future. Hope to see you there!

33 Replies
Skysamurai said

If I was single I would hop right on this. But having kids makes things a bit more difficult. I did travel to Japan back in 2013 and I encourage anyone who would like to go to consider signing up. This looks fantastic.

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If you could hear me yell one thing in amazement it would be: NINE DAYS!

Skysamurai said

Ahhhh niceee!!! Have fun!!!

Amazement… not excitement.
I can’t afford the $7,000+ it would cost for one person; not to mention that’s seven full work days + a weekend…
Just amazed that it’s a nine day trip.
I lived in Tokyo for my last semester of college and loved it.

Glad you enjoyed your time in Tokyo. Japan is an amazing place and our tour, will teach you everything you’d ever want to know about Japanese tea!

I know it’s not easy for everyone, and you would have to take the time off work, but the actual cost would be less than $7000. If you can find a friend to go with, it is only $3980 per person plus airfare, and for a single it’s $4780 plus air. You wouldn’t need to spend much more than that because all your accommodation, transportation in Japan, food (3 meals per day), and activities are included.

Also, if you are traveling alone we can try our best to pair you up with another single traveler, but it all depends on who signs up.

Sil select said

…or almost 6k if you’re a canadian dealing with the dollar :(

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Sil select said

Ugh. I don’t love green tea but i would love to do this…too bad my other half would be bored out of his mind.

Skysamurai said

Same :/

Dexter said

China – would LOVE to do China…

Sil select said

Dex – you find a china tour and postpone your africa trip and i’ll go with you.

Dexter said

Why can’t I do both?

When do you want to go? Will do some research and see what I can find….

Sil select said

I can go anytime…husband got a bike and a car… i can go to china on a tea like trip that he doesn’t want to participate in! Plus i have uh 9 wks of vacation i need to use this year.

Ros and I were looking at a trip to Nepal where we would live on a tea farm and help them process the teas.

Sil select said

marzipan….tell me moooore… maybe on facebook? lol

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Thanks for all your interest guys! We’re really excited to share these places with new people.

As far as bored significant others, we will be eating a lot of amazing Japanese food as well as visiting a bamboo garden, ceramic workshop, antique market, and some temples. You will also have some free time in Nara, Uji, and Kyoto to explore on your own.

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We will be offering a Taiwan tour as well as the same Japanese tour in 2017. If there is interest, we can also put together a China trip for 2017.
Dexter – Do you have any specific requests for a China trip? China is HUGE, so its hard to everything at once. Some good options would be:
Yunnan – Pu-er
Fujian – Oolong and White
Eastern China – Greens

Dexter said

Personally – I can’t speak for everyone – but I’m interested in black, oolong, pu’erh – yixing pottery. Yunnan and Fujian would probably be the best provinces for my interests.
Really though I would just be happy to be in the mountains in China drinking tea….

Ok, good to know. Fujian is an amazing place for tea with lots to see without too much difficult travel. Yunnan is tougher for travel, but it is the one and only place to really learn about Puer.

I will keep you all posted when we put together some China tours.

Of course, anywhere we go, there will be lots of time spent drinking tea in the mountains!

Sil select said

Sort of “ditto” to what dexter said minus the oolong.

What Dex said.

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Excelsior said

Sounds like a great trip. Make sure to tack on several days either before or after the tour. Much to see besides tea, like the busy streets of Tokyo, the great historical temples and shrines in Kyoto/Nara, the hot springs of Kyushu. Tokyo also has some of the best restaurants in the world. Great service is a given and tipping is never a requirement.

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So, will I be kept in the loop about future trips if I signed up for the newsletter? I’d like to know about Taiwan and Nepal, especially.

Definitely. The newsletter is a great way to keep up to date with future trips. If anyone else is interested, you can sign up here:

We will be doing a Taiwan trip in 2017. It will include time in Taipei, Lugu (Nantuo County), and Ali Shan. If you are into oolongs, Taiwan is a must do.

We are trying to put together a Nepal tour as well, but I don’t have a firm date quite yet. We’ll let you know!

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South Korea tour would be sweet. As much as I love tea, if I’m going to Asia I’ll be going to Korea first to load up on O’sulloc and kpop socks.

I’ll let you know if we plan a South Korea tour. If so, we’ll definitely all be wearing kpop socks!

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LuckyMe said

Visiting Japan during cherry blossom season is on my bucket list. It would be sweet if that could somehow coincide with a tea tour.

But I’m more interested in the Taiwan tour next year. Do keep us posted about that one.

Unfortunately, cherry blossom season is usually just a bit earlier than tea harvest season, so it would be tough to do both in one trip.

I will be sure to post here when we have our Taiwan tour set!

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Hi gang!

I wanted to let everyone know that our next Japan Tea Tour is set for May 19 – May 27, 2017. We have added some new activities this year like meditation at a Zen temple and an amazing farm to table dinner in the mountains of Shizuoka.

We will still be visiting all of our favorite tea gardens and factories, as well as learning all the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony first hand. Come learn about Japanese tea and tea culture from the source!

Learn more here:

See you out on the tea road!

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