fasting w/tea
hey guys and girls i would like to hear your thoughts and/or experiences on something… and that is fasting with tea. not only tea of coarse but water to obviously. ive looked it up and some say green light, some say yellow, or red. but it seems ok, as long as i dont add sugar or cream (which i Rarely ever do anyways.) it will be a 10 day fast starting today. i have fasted 5 days once before so i have an idea of what to expect up til day 5. also i have my bottled kombucha which i have just pulled from 2nd fermentation and hope to be able to drink that as well.. though maybe only for the first few days. thoughts?
It’s unhealthy. Bad idea. Tea is not a weight loss tool. It can be good for you in other ways, but using it as a laxative during one of those cleanses is not one of them.
Also, as a general rule, you should never, never drink tea on an empty stomach.
Every stomach varies I’m sure, but I almost always drink puerh in the morning before I eat. Shou puerh in particular, for me, is fine on an empty stomach. Nearly every other tea though will make me sick if I drink it on an empty stomach; whatever time of day it is.
I practice intermittent fasting to control my weight; I never do it more than a few days at a time. Fasting doesn’t mean not eating at all for days, it doesn’t mean “starving” oneself. Having said that, I don’t change my tea drinking habits, and I find that fasting and calorie restriction in general is easier with tea.
When I do fast it entails nothing in the morning until lunch, and I don’t drink tea either. Not because I’m avoiding tea on an empty stomach (which is probably a good idea anyway) but because I prefer yerba mate in the morning. In the afternoon, after a very light lunch (some chicken and salad greens for example) I drink shu or oolong. In the evening after a light dinner I usually drink sheng. It probably does help some with the hunger but probably more so the emotional/comfort aspect of eating, but that’s a side benefit for me.
indeed fasting can be done with juices if thats what you mean by not starving yourself.. otherwise yea, not eating is what fasting is, but your right, its not starving either- thats when it gets dangerous.
tea would be a huge help with comfort and taste.. also i bet the qi energy would be felt strongly on the 8th day of a water fast.
truthfully my biggest concern with fasting is getting a fever, which is a common symptom which people get past, but it can still be a problem at high temp.
Are you using fats during your fasting? And have you heard of bulletproof coffee? The same idea could be used with tea.
Also, what is your reasoning for doing such a long fast?
Like curlygc, I also like to practice intermittent fasting.
im trying to “reset” my thinking and gain a better perspective on my decision making in not only the food i eat but other avenues of compulsion.. and fasting despite what you may think, makes me feel good, at least at the 5 day point..
10 days may not be as long as you think.. its all reletive to who you are.
also no fats, that is not water fasting.
A 5:2 intermittent fasting diet as suggested by others may be a better approach rather than prolonged fasting.
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My wife and I fast every Monday for about half a year once. We’d eat dinner Sunday evening then nothing til Tuesday morning breakfast. We kept a large glass pot of shou puerh over a tealight and kept adding boiling water to it as needed. We drank that as our primary liquid during the day. It worked well for us. Your mileage may vary and you should approach this with healthy caution. But, I’m sure you knew that. :-)
this is helpful to know, thank you. yes, at around the 4- 5 day mark i will likely do a doctor check up. i will surely be drinking some 2003 changtai memorial i ordered from you guys as its becoming my favorite and need more!! lol
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