Alyssa said

Tea identification help?

Lmk if more photos are needed

6 Replies
AllanK said

I would suggest you post this on Teachat. There are more people on that website who read and write Chinese and are more likely to be able to translate.

Alyssa said

Teachat? Got it! Thank you

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shezza said

Yeah I would trust someone on teachat over me, but going on my shoddy kanji recognition, the writing on the one on the left looks like “安吉白茶” Anji bai cha/Anji white tea

shezza said

Less certain about this, but I think the second one is cloud tea. The writing looks like “雲霧茶” to me (traditional characters), which apparently simplifies to “云雾茶”

Alyssa said

Thank you

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boychik said

It is easier identify leaves. show us leaves

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