Fannish Tea
I know fandom blends are a trendy thing on Adagio, and Simpson & Vail have their literary author tea line, and a while back there was a kickstarter for those tea book tins, but does anyone else just make their own associations between the tea they drink and a favourite show/character/person/place/thing?
For example, I love BBC Sherlock, so for me, the unaired pilot episode is White2Tea’s Bang Dong Hong (lower budget, less endurance than the regular offerings, but still very satisfying. Also, the name includes both the words “Bang” and “Dong” and I’m secretly still twelve.) A Study in Pink is DavidsTea’s Forever Nuts because it brews BRIGHT PINK and also I can’t think of two words to better describe Sherlock Holmes and John Watson than “Forever Nuts” tbh.
Etc, etc, I have associations like this for all of the episodes, which isn’t particularly hard seeing as there’s only like nine, and I’m the most embarrassing person I know.
Does anyone else do this? It probably seems kind of dumb to use a marketing gimmick on yourself, but it makes me happy, and sometimes it helps me trick myself into “shopping within my own cupboard” as opposed to shopping online. The design nerd in me gets a kick out of coming up with fake packaging concepts too (life is so easy when the only target audience you need to appeal to is yourself!)
I haven’t thought of any teas that reminds me specifically of a show or fandom (though that is surprising, now that I think of it) but I have blended a tea based on Magic The Gathering.
The plane of Ravnica reminds me of Russia and I wanted to make my fiance a slightly different than normal Russian Caravan, so I blended a Ravnican Caravan out of Zhenyuan Black Tea, Lapsang Souchong, and Red Thunder Darjeeling. Now whenever we play Magic we have to have a pot of this tea.
My username is a named tea in a science fiction trilogy that is just full of tea, tea bowls, fine tea sets, and fish sauce (what?). I even bought a little tea bowl with a fish in it because of a scene in the books.
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