Life hack advice: brewing great tea on an airplane

26 Replies

Brilliant, Nicole! Good finds :) It doesn’t seem so surprising that British Airways came up with high-altitude tea.

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Ginkosan said

Bring a thermos and some loose tea you can grandpa style, like a Chinese green. Fill up the thermos at a coffee shop in the terminal, get a paper cup on the plane, profit.

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Ginkosan said

My jam-

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Smart idea Ginkosan :)

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And thanks for the product recommendation!

Ginkosan said

I use that thermos at home too. Lets me take a lot of time with my tea without having to worry about reboiling my water.

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Ginkosan said

I also generally travel with a small inexpensive glazed teapot and some sheng, so if I have time to kill I’ll just go full gong-fu at the terminal.

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Flying to and fro this holiday weekend, and almost got charged (?!?) for hot water on a Frontier flight. I just filled up my thermos at a TCBY before flight. I grandpa style’d it on my flight to, and brought a paper filter on this flight. No issues with dry leaf through security!

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