Novice Tea Buyer
When I first started I was a real novice and didn’t understand the different types of teas. It took a lot of trying to realize that I generally preferred black tea to green/white/puer and that I liked rooibos and honeybush, but generally liked herbal teas mainly in the summer.
I also like flavored tea, and I know there are a lot of people here who find flavored teas “false” and don’t like the additional ingredients.
Ultimately, it’s about finding what you like, and being happy with it. The stash sales and samplers are a good way to try a wide variety and see what you like. Once you have an idea of the kinds of things you like, people can make better suggestions.
I like Tea Source (located in Minnesota but also on line) for reasonably priced, flavored black teas, but I don’t think they do samplers.
I’m not saying your tastes will change, I just wanted to comfort (?) you and say that many of us preferred flavoured teas at first as well. I sure did! For years, and there are still some I like. I just eventually came to like them less and less. It’s a common trajectory among tea drinkers, but not necessarily everyone.
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