sun-spot said

celestial wild berry zinger

I recently made a cup of wild berry zinger with honey & milk. There was a foamy substance on the top that stuck to the spoon. It didn’t taste good, so I poured it out only to discover a gelatanous glob of stuff in the bottom of the cup. Anyone know what this is or had this experience?

11 Replies

Sounds like you scalded the milk and it had a skin?

sun-spot said

That was definitely the problem! Thanks. I’m new to drinking hot teas, so am experimenting!

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cookies said

I think the milk probably curdled. I don’t think that type of tea is really made to take dairy.

That’s a good point too, acid plus milk makes buttermilk.

sun-spot said

Right on the nose! Thank you!

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Celestial Seasonings website gives the ingredients as: “Hibiscus, rosehips, roasted chicory, orange peel, blackberry leaves, natural flavors of black raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, red raspberries, cranberries and cherries with other natural flavors and citric acid.”

You absolutely curdled the milk. Rosehips are acidic too.

sun-spot said

Thank you! I’m new to hot teas, so I’m experimenting.

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Uniquity said

Another possibility of that you had some undissolved honey at the bottom. You say it was gelatinous, but was it more honey coloured or milk coloured? I still suggest avoiding milk but depending on how much honey you put in there, you might have had a clump of it.

sun-spot said

Less honey than milk, but I think everyone who said I scalded the milk were correct!

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Oh dear! I guess those wild berries really do zing. Sounds like it was acidic enough to curdle the milk. Sorry friend :(

sun-spot said

Obviously not ready for so much zing . . . or curdled milk!! Thanks for all the responses!

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