2016 Sheng Olympics (group buy)

431 Replies

Someone sent me $50 today without a message or Steepster name in the Paypal transaction… please PM me :)

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Making you all impatient, yes?

Dr Jim said

If I weren’t sipping such a wonderful tea right now (YQH) I’d be frothing at the mouth. I don’t envy you so much hard work, but it also must be wonderful to be in the middle of so much great tea.

Thanks for all your hard work and pictures! Very excited!

Rui A. said

Lol I am sipping some raw pu’er and I am not sure if I am drooling because of the tea or the picures of tea cakes you have posted. Thank you once again for all the work you are going through at the moment.

Dr Jim said

I’m also thinking that the next time you run one of these, you should take a tithe for yourself as a payment for organizing, dividing, etc. Maybe the beeng-holes? It seems like the way it works currently you actually lose money on the deal, which just isn’t right.

Rasseru said

Yeah that sounds fair. Like the chefs bit of the animal

Dr Jim said

My mother used to say “you don’t muzzle the ox that treads the corn.”

@Dr Jim : I decided to think about this today because I understand it from both sides. I think for the next group buy I will go ahead and work in $1 per person which will cover the cost of my participation. Does that sound fair?
Say next time I spend $980 and collect $1000

That would be more than fair. You are providing an invaluable service to our community.

mrmopar said

I would agree to that as well Dr Jim. Maybe $2.00 since there are material costs like envelopes and bubble wrap and such.

Rui A. said

On my side I am also happy with paying us$2 extra as suggested by mrmopar.

Ubacat said

Oh, look at all the tea. I don’t envy you breaking up all those cakes.

I am ok with you adding in the 1 or 2 (whichever you decide) for the next group buy. I will probably be in that one too (unless it’s flavoured).

Uniquity said

I’ve become increasingly amused by beeng-holes. I think it was CLT that said that was all they drank after packing samples. I want a wide collection of beeng-holes. Tehehe.

I think $1 per person is plenty. As something I enjoy doing, I’m trying to meet in the middle :)
This won’t go into effect until the next group buy and I will have all the numbers figured out completely. Going over $60’ish this time is well worth the experience because I’m learning a lot so years to come these will go smoother.

Basically, $19/share +$1 = $20
The breakdown is $18 toward tea, $1 toward labels
Then $1 toward myself
The $5 shipping ends up being $3.50’ish for shipping and then the price of the packaging supplies/material.

I’m getting this down pretty well. The only thing that throws me off is when a package cost $12 to mail internationally and I collected $10 for shipping so I’m out $2 + material cost. This isn’t something I can foresee or prevent really… so I make the choice to do as I would want done with me; the person organizing everything covers the cost to provide someone the ability to join in an amazing experience.

I think an extra $1-2 dollars each person is fair.

mrmopar said

I can help with the international shipping if you need a bit of boost on that.

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Rasseru said

Accusations of doping by team Verdant & late entries from Team Crimson Lotus, its shaping up to be an interesting event :D

I’m looking forward to seeing well how that Yin Zhen swims

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Finally added it all up :)
(also on the main post)
Total $988.50 on tea, $30 on bubble wrap, $7 on poly mail shippers, $35 on ziplock bags (food grade) = $1,060.50
I believe I did quite well. Next year I’ll remember that tea is not the only thing that is in the budget :p

Brian said

or you can get a part time job at UPS. i hear employees get free envelopes and bubble wrap. :-P jk

t-ching said

See if there’s a local company by you that does shipments and PO boxes. A lot of them have frequent shopper cards that let you get a free shipment with every 10

I work for a shop supply distributor and have done some pricing… but I go with more quality printing/shipping supplies (but not the best)
When you think about it… there’s 550’ish labels to print, 32 shipping labels to print, 32 packages to wrap with bubble wrap to ensure safety. Rereading my comment, which I won’t edit so it can be see, that bubble wrap might actually be for 50 packages worth but I won’t know until I wrap everything and find out. Next group buy I will have the numbers down even better.

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I’m so excited about the gift I am including for this years :)

Rasseru said

+1 steepster point for that

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This is such a great experience! I highly recommend breaking an entire cake up and pretending or actually weighting out sample sizes to experience what vendors do for us (the customers).
I can’t begin to tell you how thankful I am for the samples that are out there from cakes after doing this.

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You want to click that :)

In regards to https://www.instagram.com/p/BApNd0hxYCs/?taken-by=liquidproust , next year I will probably account for 5 grams per every 100 grams of whatever cake is being split in case of difference in weight. This is expected with the pressing of a cake and moisture content. I forgot about figuring this in of course, next year it won’t happen.

Thanks for posting pictures!

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Still no answer on who sent me payment on January 8th… I have your full name and email, but I m unsure who you are; your initials are K D. Please PM me if you paid and I haven’t marked you off because I also don’t have shipping information for you.

shezza said

Oops! I think that’s me. You already have me marked down as paid and I pm’d you my address, but I can do it again if you can’t find it.

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BOOM https://www.instagram.com/p/BA0YSyyRYAG/

I was thinking about finishing all the breaking and packing this weekend; meaning, it is possible that I will have everything ready before February 1st… we will see if I decide to ship out early or not.

@Lumpkin you need to follow me so I can message you

I love the wrapper. Its lovely!

I love Tea Urchin! Some great Sheng

Uniquity said

We need shu olympics! Although the exchange rate and shipping make it prohibitive, hah.

Thanks again for all your efforts organizing and making this happen for us!

@Uniquity shu will show up in the next one, but I don’t think I’d do a group buy of only shu.

Ubacat said

Wow, everything is coming together really quick. I need to clear a space in my tea cabinet!

Rui A. said

@Liquid Proust Whatever you choose for your group buy I am in so long we stay with camellia sinenses of some form or other. You have been a great coordinator and organiser.

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When vendors help you acquire a gift for 32 other people ;)


Wow! That is so pretty!

I started with this one today & was surprised that I quite enjoyed the floral honeyed sweetness. Not sure I would have tried this tea on my own, so I appreciate the generous gift. Now I have a few cakes, etc, heading my way from Whispering Pines.

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