2016 Sheng Olympics (group buy)

431 Replies

New Addition, 12/22
After receiving information and quotes from a few different shops, I have decided to add the 2001 Silver Needle Puer from J Tea International.
This was chosen for two main reasons. The first being how pleased I was was/am with their 1979 Aged Beauty that was bought as a gift for everyone from two members during the Aged Oolong Sampler I put together earlier this year. The second reason is because I’m not sure if I have come across a review on a Silver Needle Puer that is 10 years old and this one will be hitting 15 years old next year; which sounds like a valuable tasting experience since the Silver Needle puer cakes are quite cheap.

Hopefully this will be a fun new experience for everyone.

I believe white2tea will be adding an aged white tea from fudjing soon.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have everything worked out at this point… I’m just deciding if I can leave some up to be ‘surprises’ or if I should actually list them.
Every group buy I have done has had unknown teas until delivery. I’ll think about it, but all of this is to say I may have something of the sort in the works.

sounds good :)

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Ubacat said

I have 2 slots and would like to pay early. Is there a bit extra for shipping to Canada? Thanks.

I’m just going to change international to $10 and not worry about it. Last group buy I did there was some that went for $8 and some that went for $15… Canada isn’t bad, but the UK gets interesting.
I’ll send you a message.

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cookies said

Sorry, can you clarify. Are the shipping costs listed included in share quote, or do we add that on? So for two shares shipped in the US it would be $46, right?

That’s correct. Domestic is $26, $46, $66, and on. International is $30, $50, $70, and on.
The shared quote will be $980 to $1050 of tea I purchase split between everyone.

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Update 2, 12/27
First, I am not even asking for payment as of yet and there has already been a high amount of payment already which means I’m going to be ordering sooner than originally planned. This makes me happy as I can put more time into labeling and making everyone’s package look nice.
Second, the CLT has arrived https://www.instagram.com/p/_yLBljxYDx/
Third, I’ve added some unique raw puer variations from Yunnan Sourcing for the group buy and they re to remain a surprise until packages arrive.
Kindergarten, I can’t keep quiet about it; I’m just so overwhelmed with joy knowing that not only are there multiple people who are willing to do some raw puer taste journeying, but I have the opportunity to put together a few gifts and even a donation package to TeaDB.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to post here or PM me.

Ubacat said

I’m so glad I got in on this. You’ve always done a fine job on the group buys and they’re a great taste experience. Love the bonsai. Good luck on that. I had one once and found out it was like a baby. You must remember to water it everyday. if you take a vacation you must make sure it’s in fine hands of whoever looks after it. There’s also further care training the branches. Unfortunately , mine only lasted a month.

I’m glad you’ve joined as well!
This one will be quite interesting. I’m quite excited this one and it will be hard to wait for all the reviews to come in as a vertical session can last an entire day.
This is going to be fun :)

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Rui A. said

Next time there is a pu’er group buy I definitely will be joining. Some of the teas mentioned here are just mouth watering.

If this one goes well, I’ll probably consider doing an annual sheng group buy since there is such a large variety out there. Mengku has a few different series I have been curious about and Yunnan Sourcing’s Bang Dong is a must for vertical comparison in the future as well.

I’ll come back to this thread if it occurs and make sure to contact all those who expressed interest/participated.

t-ching said

I’d love to see a sheng/shu mixed group buy :)

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Someone just paid me through Facebook… that’s new.
If anyone would rather do that over Paypal just let me know.

Rasseru said

I paid a while ago but you havent listed me as paying yet. Just a heads up, pm me if you want my info to track it

Dexter said

I paid about a week ago to and not listed. :)

Don’t worry, I’ll get everyone on here. Christmas and New Year’s have kept me busy.

I will update everything within the next hour done
I missed Rasseru because I didn’t have a Steepster name on the document I’m using… however, it’s probably the second easiest to figure out, after Just John

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Yunnan Sourcing has arrived ,https://www.instagram.com/p/BADPsHwRYA9/

The last order, being Tea Urchin, has not even been placed because I’m waiting until I get paid on January 7th and then I’ll place the last order and begin the tedious cake breaks and weighting.

I’ll send messages out to those who haven’t paid on February 1st; don’t forget that payments so far were sent early, if you haven’t paid you are not late or anything of the sort.

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Hiya there! I’m not sure if this is appropriate or not and I apologize in advance if it’s not. If anyone ends up deciding to pull out of the buy, I would love to participate. :D

I was also wondering about the way you buy these out of pocket first and then get reimbursed… I come from a perfume oil forum (BPAL shout-out) and I’m a decanter there, basically I do what you’re doing but with perfume. The difference is that I collect the $ in advance and then place the orders.. that way organizing the buy is a little bit easier and doesn’t affect your own pocket as much.. if that makes sense? You seem to have a good presence and folks here trust you, so perhaps you might think about doing it that way next time. :) I dunno if there are rules against this type of transaction but it seems that it would be more fair to you.

If Liquid Proust doesn’t mind, I’ll sign over my two shares to you. I have to admit the recent controversy has somewhat dampened my enthusiasm.

@azurepheonix I’ve been told to collect money upfront because I’ve been unpaid a couple of times; however, since tea is something I really enjoy, I don’t mind having extra on my hands :)

@Daughter of Fishes, only $2.86 per share goes toward the Verdant order if you are referring to that. The majority of this is going towards the vertical Yunnan Sourcing tasting. However, if you’d like to pass your spot over just let me know.

Kuroneko said

@Liquid Proust, Not sure if there’s a waiting list you’re keeping (like standby), but if anyone else changes their mind, or shares become available, I’d love to be on the list! I learned about the group buy late, but would’ve pounced on it, for sure :)

Sorry @Liquid Proust, but that little bit of Verdant just reminds me what a sucker I was about the 1800 year claim. If someone or someones would like my two slots I would be happy to let them enjoy it.

Daughter of Fishes just opened up two slots…
Auction time!
Just kidding.
Here’s the order in which I’ve been asked:
Rui A.
Tea in Spoons

Confirm spots and I’ll update each one of you. I’ve already given up two of my slots, one was because I don’t have 20 20 vision :p , or else I would give to someone else.

Rui A. said

I am in please. Also I live in UK please let me know the details of how I can pay you.

I don’t have to take up three spots – someone can take one of mine.

@schadowrider but you’ve paid :p
Maybe I can convince you to pay the $5 difference for my fundraiser :P
No, I can’t bring LPT in here…

If you drop one, that makes three spots. If I give up one more, we can get all four in; however, that’s 4 × 16 more packages; thankfully I enjoy doing this :)

Whoever takes one of my spots can PayPal the full $26 to you (slot plus shipping — assuming US), and I’ll PM you about resolving the $20 I already paid.

Ag select said

I’d like to join the waitlist if any more slots open up.

Kuroneko said

I’m still very interested and can take one spot, if it’s open/becomes available. I’d be happy to pay right away :)


How curious! I am a teafiend that’s just getting into perfume oils.
Funny to meet someone here that’s travelling the same road in the opposite direction. =)

Daughter of Fishes – I’m sorry that you feel that way about Verdant. But thank you so much for the opportunity to join the olympics!

Liquid Proust – Thank you for this opportunity, so excited! I was thinking about all the work you have to do to break a cake. O.O You must have very strong arms after one of these! I’ve followed you? I’m really new to the forums, so I’m not sure if that needs to be done to PM? Send me your paypal addy and I’ll get the $ to you asap! :D

BezoommyChaiVeck – waves Nice to meet ya! My home base is a perfume forum and we have a tea thread on it.. but it’s of course of the quieter side… I had the “duh” moment that maybe tea folks are as crazy as perfume folks… and found steepster! :D And of course I’m drawn to puerh with all it’s crazy variations, just like oil/skin chemistry, heehee! PM me if you ever want to chat. :)

Azurephoenix; Wonderful! Perhaps we can exchange scent/tea questions and info sometime! Sounds fun! =)

Pu’er and other heicha are my main love in the tea world, I can see the parallels with oils in some ways, hah.

@azurephoenix – I’m glad my spots are going to you and others who really wanted to join. I hope you enjoy all the teas.

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Update 3 1/3/15
I am not patient so I put in the last order; Tea Urchin, which was $155 putting the total at $988.50 which I’m happy about because it would have been over $1000 without vendors being nice with pricing and shipping.

The one thing I looked over is how large this is… there are 16 different products going to thirty different individuals meaning 480 packages. I don’t believe I have that many on hand so I will need to buy some more, however with two more group buys going through this year it is not an unexpected expense. I’ll be putting through an order for ziplock containers that I used for the aged oolong buy because they seem to work best. That’ll be roughly $35 for 500, but I’ll buy them in bulk which should lower the price per piece.

I’ve set aside six days between three weekends with two to three hours each time to break and weight out everything. I’ll put together an album on Imgur to show the progression of everything as this is my largest group buy and I forsee an annual sheng group buy.
I’m excited and I hope you all are as well :)
I may have some unexpected news coming in shortly… we shall see.
p.s. I’ve had multiple contacts about the next group buy from people I have never even talked with which is pretty dang sweet. I’ll be looking for a few individuals to help with selection on the next one which is going to be focused on three to four highly regarded sellers who offer teas from their private selection.

curlygc said

“…four highly regarded sellers who offer teas from their private selection.”
Omg, that sounds awesome LP! (btw, if you need extra funds for bags, PM me, happy to help out)

Rasseru said

Yeah man, more of these – but I vote for keep them separate tea types. I would probably still join a shou one, but id like the option to give it a miss

I can’t wait for the next one :)

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update 1/3
Daughter of Fishes dropped out, providing two shares. Shadowrider has given up one share, allowing three share to be obtained.
Participates being added are Rui A. , azurephoenix , and Tea in Spoons

The demand is higher than supply and I wish I could provide this opportunity for all… but that just is not possible, however there is a wait list for Kuroeko and Ag
When February comes around and I ask for payment, upon someone telling me they have to withdraw I will contact those members waiting and see what I can do.

Someone else just dropped and now Kuroeko and Ag can both take a share each, so we just increased the total number of participates by three in total.
I’ll send messages out and make the edits tomorrow, it’s almost midnight and I’m tired.

Rui A. said

Thank you once again for creating and coordinating this group buy. If you ever come to this side of the pond please let me know and I’ll take you out for some tea.

Kuroneko said

That’s great news, thank you! Just let me know payment details when you can, and I’ll settle up. So excited!

Ag select said

Thanks for running this and keeping everyone updated! Like what Kuroneko said, let me know about the payment information when you’re able to and I’ll send it your way.

Cwyn said

If there is a share in Verdant left, I’m in. As a sweetener, I can ship you a quantity of ziplock sample bags. I think I might have about 80 or so. The bags are ziplock plus heat seal if you have a sealer.

@Cwyn , if someone doesn’t pay when I ask for payment I shall let you know :)
With only 200 grams of each, there will be roughly 4 to 5 grams of stuff I won’t send out so I’m working with 195 grams. Only other way is if someone splits their 8g with you and you both take 4g.

Dr Jim said

If all she wants is the verdant, she can have one share of mine. Gratis. It’ll be worth it to read the tasting notes in her blog.

cookies said

Same as Dr. Jim. You’re welcome to it, Cwyn.

Cwyn said

Oh cool, thanks guys!

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