Do you take notes?
I just started a blog to keep notes. Might post notes on Steepster again too.
I just started as well. I just write whatever thoughts and or words that may come to mind as I am drinking some teas. I see how doing so can be beneficial to one’s own learning/experience as well. I will also admit it is a bit hard to do so though.
As a teaseller, I often take very detailed notes to come up with brewing parameters for my teas and see how they change over infusion time, temperature, and dosing. I also use it as a way to improve my palate and ability to describe what I’m tasting. It’s the only way I would be able to track a Puerh over time as well.
But sometimes, you just want to enjoy the tea.
As I am a student it is always happen for me to take notes and not only on lectures but on some meetings as well, that is why that is one of the main my activities, as without notes I cannot remember later on, because I am really busy and a lot of information is kept on my mind. However I know that not a lot of people can do it and use a lot of modern technologies, which is still convenient, however not everybody can afford it. Here is a good post by that explains some strategies about how to take the notes. I hope you will not have difficulties with that.
I already keep a journal and I note tea purchases and when I drink teas, but I don’t really review them or take notes because I usually drink tea while I watch movies and I think of it as a fairly casual thing. I might end up writing some brief tasting notes and comparisons in the future though, if I’m ever not lazy.
I’m new to pu er too so I feel like I need to expand my tasting vocabulary, if that makes sense.
Yes, I do tske notes of any new pu’er teas I sample. Together with the notes I also add any relevant Nei Fei and sometimes any exceptional tea leaves I find. This helps me later when I re-visit the same tea cake.
When I’m trying a new tea I keep detailed notes on every steep, then write a few sentences about my general impression of the overall session. I use this to dial in the parameters, but once I’ve found a good regimen I no longer take notes and just enjoy the tea. I also use these initial notes to see how a given tea changes over time.
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