Zack's liquidation, everything must go! Practically giving it away =)
Hi! I’ve got a mass of tea here, and I promised myself I would clear this out before I started to make new purchases. If you see a few things you like, please just reply with what you are interested in. I don’t expect much in return, but I would ask that you be willing to send me a sample or two that interests me (from your Cupboard or from my Wishlist), and I’d also like to be Paypal’d the cost of shipping. Make no mistake, you will be receiving MUCH more than I’d ask for you to send… I just want to try a couple samples from you =) Each package will include some free tea, and I’ll try to match your flavor profile/Wishlist as much as possible and stuff what I can into the box!
edit: I’m not looking to break up any of the amounts into sample sizes unless they are already listed as such. Also, please don’t expect me to send you like 20+ things on here lol
Butiki Teas
Champagne Rose & Cream (white, 20g)
Glenburn Darjeeling Moonlight (1oz minus a couple servings)
Organic Korakundah (green, 23g)
Taiwanese Lapsang Souchong (black, 14g)
Verdant Tea
Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha – Verdant (20g)
Bergamont White Peony (20g)
Nurture #4 (oolong, 18g)
Elderberry Herbal (14g)
Rooibos Tulsi Herbal (7g)
Silver Buds Yabao (7g)
Atune #3 (8g)
Awaken #1 (oolong, 6g)
Earl of Anxi (oolong, 7g)
Wuyi Mountain Big Red Robe (unopened sample)
Dammann Freres
Figue Fraiche (black, 23g)
Noel a Vienne (black, 47g)
Mangue Egyptienne (black, 17g)
Oolong Chataigne (oolong, 17g)
Rose de Mai (oolong, 37g)
Osmanthe D’Or (oolong, 43g)
Temple d’Angkor (green, 43g)
Caramel Toffee (black, ~25-35g)
Charlotte Aux Fruits (black, 8g)
Quatre Fruits Rouges (black, 20g)
Cinnamon (black, 33g)
Wedding (black, 47g)
Golden Osmanthus (oolong, 20g)
Chestnut Green (38g)
Melon Oolong (14g)
Harney and Sons
Decaf Paris (black, 2oz +)
Herbal Hot Cinnamon Spice (2oz +)
Soho Blend (black, 4g)
52Teas (all of these are from the NEW 52Teas company)
Cinnamon Roll Honeybush 6g
White Chocolate Grasshopper Honeybush 50g
Cucumber Cantaloupe Oolong 11g
Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake (black, 8g)
Mango Icecream (black, 5g)
Hot Buttered Banana Bread (black, 7g)
Graveyard Mist (green, 12g)
Snickerdoodle (black, 10g)
David’s Tea
Nepal Black (12g)
Midsummer Night’s Dream (herbal, 22g)
Coconut Oolong (5g)
Pure Chai (black, 5g unopened sample)
Coco Chai Rooibos (5g unopened sample)
Love Tea #7 (black, 28g)
Toasted Walnut (green, 8g)
Joy’s Teaspoon
Pai Mu Tan (2g)
Winter Wonderland (black, 4-5g)
Spicy Pear (black, 5g)
Mahalo (black, 4-5g)
other companies
Organic Sencha – Aiya (6g)
Jin Xuan Oolong – Taiwan Tea #12 – Eco-cha Artisan Teas (14g)
Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea (40g)
Coconut Oolong – Zen Tea (18g)
Phoenix Pearl – Zen Tea (black, 9g)
Strawberry Genmaicha – ESP Emporium (12g)
Very Velvet (oolong, 8g)
Winter Solstice – Fusion Teas (herbal, 14g)
Turkish Apple “Apple Vanilla” – Fusion Teas (herbal, 10g)
Blueberry Yogurt Rooibos – Fusion Teas (18g)
Houjicha – Basic Roast – Obubu Tea (20g)
Houjicha – Dark Roast – Obubu Tea (20g)
Certified Organic: Autumn Bancha – Takeo Family (Yunomius) 28g
Kyobancha – Yunomius (10g, unopened)
Lavender Sencha – Wegmans (~1oz)
Moroccan Mint – Stash (Loose leaf version, ~40g)
Jaboka Estate Assam FOF TA08 – Upton (8g)
Summer Rose – Adagio (black, 10g)
Watermelon Cooler – Adagio (herbal, 10g)
Rooibos Vanilla Chai – Adagio (8g)
Peach Tranquility – Teavana (herbal, 24g)
Choco Late – American Tea Room (12g)
Brioche – American Tea Room (black, 6g)
Green Tea Tropical – Might Leaf Tea (11g)
Fireberry – Tiesta Tea (10-15g)
Red Rose Rooibos – Tiesta Tea (43g)
Nutty Almond Cream – Tiesta (herbal, 50g)
Sparkling White Grape – Tiesta Tea (~45g)
Smashing Punkin Spice – Tiesta Tea (black, ~100g)
Chunky Watermelon – Tiesta Tea (herbal, 20g)
Autumn Harvest – Tiesta Tea (herbal, 28g)
I havent tried so many of these except for a couple of stuff from H&S, Adagio, David’s and Yunomi so the list of the ones I’m interested in is sorta long but im ok with getting just a few grams of these if someone else wants to try them….my cupboard is not updated but if you follow me, I can PM you some stuff that I have on hand related to your wishlist/cupboard contents :)
Butiki Teas
Champagne Rose & Cream (white, 20g)
Glenburn Darjeeling Moonlight (1oz minus a couple servings)
Organic Korakundah (green, 23g)
Taiwanese Lapsang Souchong (black, 14g)
Verdant Tea
Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha – Verdant (20g)
Bergamont White Peony (26g)
Nurture #4 (oolong, 18g)
Elderberry Herbal (14g)
Rooibos Tulsi Herbal (7g)
Silver Buds Yabao (7g)
Atune #3 (8g)
Awaken #1 (oolong, 6g)
Earl of Anxi (oolong, 7g)
Wuyi Mountain Big Red Robe (unopened sample)
Dammann Freres
Figue Fraiche (black, 23g)
Noel a Vienne (black, 47g)
Mangue Egyptienne (black, 17g)
Oolong Chataigne (oolong, 17g)
Rose de Mai (oolong, 37g)
Osmanthe D’Or (oolong, 43g)
Temple d’Angkor (green, 43g)
Caramel Toffee (black, ~25-35g)
Charlotte Aux Fruits (black, 8g)
Quatre Fruits Rouges (black, 20g)
Cinnamon (black, 33g)
Wedding (black, 47g)
Golden Osmanthus (oolong, 20g)
Chestnut Green (38g)
Melon Oolong (14g)
Harney and Sons
Soho Blend (black, 4g)
52Teas (all of these are from the NEW 52Teas company)
Cinnamon Roll Honeybush 6g
White Chocolate Grasshopper Honeybush 50g
Bananas! (black, 8g)
Cucumber Cantaloupe Oolong 11g
Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake (black, 8g)
Mango Icecream (black, 5g)
Hot Buttered Banana Bread (black, 7g)
Graveyard Mist (green, 12g)
Snickerdoodle (black, 10g)
David’s Tea
Nepal Black (12g)
Pumpkin Chai (black, 8g)
Midsummer Night’s Dream (herbal, 22g)
Coconut Oolong (5g)
Pure Chai (black, 5g unopened sample)
Coco Chai Rooibos (5g unopened sample)
Toasted Walnut (green, 8g)
Joy’s Teaspoon
Pai Mu Tan (2g)
Winter Wonderland (black, 4-5g)
Spicy Pear (black, 5g)
Mahalo (black, 4-5g)
other companies
Silver Snail – Whispering Pines (green, 16g)
Old Pine – Whispering Pines (black, 16g)
Jin Xuan Oolong – Taiwan Tea #12 – Eco-cha Artisan Teas (14g)
Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea (40g)
Coconut Oolong – Zen Tea (18g)
Phoenix Pearl – Zen Tea (black, 9g)
Strawberry Genmaicha – ESP Emporium (12g)
Very Velvet (oolong, 8g)
Winter Solstice – Fusion Teas (herbal, 14g)
Turkish Apple “Apple Vanilla” – Fusion Teas (herbal, 10g)
Blueberry Yogurt Rooibos – Fusion Teas (18g)
Black Pearl – Mountain Tea (11g)
Lavender Sencha – Wegmans (~1oz)
Jaboka Estate Assam FOF TA08 – Upton (8g)
Summer Rose – Adagio (black, 10g)
Watermelon Cooler – Adagio (herbal, 10g)
Choco Late – American Tea Room (12g)
Brioche – American Tea Room (black, 6g)
Fireberry – Tiesta Tea (10-15g)
Red Rose Rooibos – Tiesta Tea (43g)
Nutty Almond Cream – Tiesta (herbal, 50g)
Sparkling White Grape – Tiesta Tea (~45g)
Smashing Punkin Spice – Tiesta Tea (black, ~100g)
Chunky Watermelon – Tiesta Tea (herbal, 20g)
Autumn Harvest – Tiesta Tea (herbal, 28g)
Well… this is quite a list and I’m not looking to send the majority of my list to one person, nor am I willing to break up these into smaller sizes. I know a good amount of these I’d like to send to you for sure, but a lot of these are wanted by other members already. Anyway PM me.
Hey there! I’m new to the site but I’m very interested in your teas. I’m a broke college student so I don’t have a lot to offer you as far as samples, the only loose leaf I have is Bai Hao SIlver Needle White Tea and World Market Jasmine tea. I always want to try different teas but I don’t have the money to spend on it!
I love white and oolong tea, if you’d be willing to send me any those are what I’d be interested in, also the Mango Ice Cream ( who doesn’t love mango? ).
There are a few different ones I’m interested in:
Harney –
Decaf Paris
Herbal Hot Cinnamon Spice
Dammann Freres-
Caramel Toffee
52 Teas –
Cinnamon Roll
Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake
Davids -
Midsummer’s Night Dream
Tiesta -
Nutty Almond Cream
Sparkling White Grape
Teavana –
Peach Tranquility
I definitely don’t expect you to send them all and I’d really like to send something more than a few tea samples in exchange (not necessarily tea.) Thanks in advance though!
I followed you, but wasn’t able to PM you for some reason. If still available, I’m interested in the following teas:
- Earl of Anxi
Damman Freres
- Figue Fraiche
- Oolong Châtaigne
- Temple d’Angkor
- Quatre Fruits Rouges
52 Teas
- Snickerdoodle
Joy’s Teaspoon
- Mahalo
American Tea Room
- Brioche
You are welcome to try any of the teas in my cupboard, and I’m also willing to send monetary compensation if you don’t see anything you like!
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