Tea Reviews
I decided to redesign my blog, so I thought I might overhaul my review process, also. Any suggestions? I would love to hear what you look for, in Teas and reviews! Right now, I describe smells, colors, etc of the dry and wet leaves as well as liquor. I’m going to add steeping time and measure of leaves. If the Tea is good, I add a link. If I didn’t like it, I don’t. What am I missing? :)
BTW, I haven’t read other people’s Tea reviews. I don’t want to “be inspired” by them and end up copying something. So, I’m asking the community directly.
If you want to check my blog out, it’s juliejones.me
julie, you could talk about what time of the day or what activity you would drink the tea with. and what food pairs well with it.
Great, idea! I’ve started reading more about pairings and I have seen more people posting articles about it. I’ll do that! :)
Also, you may add the number of infusions available. It also helps to distinguish the quality of the teas!
Moreso on your layout. On mobile it looks good but on computer the pictures are so large that whatever you wrote is buried and lost between photos.
With reference to the issue of photo, I notice that there are photo of dry leaves on juliejones.me. Actually, the photos of brewed leaves can also be included. The look of the brewed leaves can tell something and it gives a sign of the character of the tea. Try to open and review the brewed leaves as well.
I will work on adjusting the size, I agree. :)
There are usually three photos, at least. One of the dry leaves, one of the infused leaves and one of the liquor.
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