I want to learn more!!
I love learning and always want to learn more on my tea journey. What has been a great resource for you? Any books, courses, videos, etc I should look for? :)
The Story of Tea A Cultural History and Drinking Guide by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J Heiss is very good and informative. It is written by the owners of the excellent tea shop www.teatrekker.com.
I have been collection informative articles for a while, though I admit I have not updated it in a while, so hopefully the links still work
Some books I have found particularly useful have been:
Honestly, I’m slowly trying to read everything on here: http://hojotea.com/indexe.html
Highly recommended.
http://hojotea.com/article_e/puerh_e.htm this alone is one jam packed article out of many that they have
This was kind of interesting. http://puerh.blogspot.ca/p/puer-by-appearance-types-storage.html
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