Herbal and Decaf TTB - Sign-ups Closed

85 Replies

Heads up: there are two guayusa blends. Guayusa is caffeinated.

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Hi, all. I’m going to send the box to AllanK on Monday.

Sounds good

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AllanK said

Looking forward to receiving the box next week then.

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AllanK said

Got the box tonight. Won’t really have a chance to go through it until Thurday night. Tomorrow is what should be the final day of my move so I have been busy.

Good luck finishing your move! The box is more than halfway through it’s trip now. For some reason the picture you posted isn’t showing up for me.

AllanK said

My instagram is private because I have had problems with some people on this site. Log in and follow me, I will approve the request when I get it. If you are already following me make sure you are logged in. In truth it wasn’t a very good picture.

Totally understandable. I don’t have an account on instagram at the moment, but it’s good to know why the picture wasn’t showing up.

taipwnsu said

I’m actually next after you I believe and I have the Holidays TTB coming my way next week – definitely take your time going through the box and good luck finishing your move!

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I sent to the box to AllanK on Monday, as promised. Sorry for the redundancy – I for some reason I didn’t think the post here after PMing him and rosebudmelissa.

The package weighed 2lb 13oz and cost $7.35 to send with Priority 1-Day. We live relatively close by so that’s why the shipping cost is low.

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AllanK said

I have added several decaf teas and one rooibos, all from Simpson and Vail. I have added Decaf Assam Black Tea approx 15g, Decaf S&V Special Blend approx 15g, Decaf Mango Black Tea approx 15g, Tropical Papango Rooibos approx 20g. The only thing I finished off was Pitta Dosha from The Tao of Tea. Didn’t keep track of exactly what else I drank but it is all in my reviews. I am adding slightly more to the box than I drank. Will probably drink one more tea from it tonight. I will try to send the box out to Taipwnsu tomorrow because I will not have the time on Friday or probably Saturday.

AllanK said

The box is sealed and ready to go. If all goes as planned I will get to the post office after work tomorrow.

Sounds Good!

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AllanK said

Mailed the box today. Sent it priority mail to Taipwnsu. Should arrive tomorrow. Weight was still 2 lbs 13 oz. It actually would have been slightly heavier but I cut off three rounds of paper address labels that had to add up to an ounce or so. Should arrive tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing the reviews for the Simpson and Vail teas I have added. They are one of my favorite tea sellers but they don’t get much press on Steepster.

This box was pretty stuffed to start with, so I’m not too surprised that it hasn’t gained much weight. I’m trying to decide if I should move it to a bigger box for the next round, or keep it in this one to keep shipping costs down.

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taipwnsu said

I got the box Friday last week – sorry I haven’t updated, everything got a bit hectic for me! I’ve gone through a bit of the box and I’m hoping to get it out to Phi by early next week.

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taipwnsu said

Actually, Phi could you follow me back so I can get your contact info?

Did Phi get back to you?

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taipwnsu said

Phi hasn’t gotten back to me and I still have the box, Melissa, would you like me to send it back to you? If so, PM me your address :)

Just send it back to me at this point.

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