Help with my first YS order, 2nd Order Oct/Nov 2015

59 Replies
AllanK said

If you order from the .com site I suggest you keep your purchase under about 1.4kg of tea. This will allow you to choose e packet shipping which they call Express Mail Small Parcel. It is almost as cheap as surface mail and nearly as fast as EMS. The total weight limit for a package is 2 kg though so you can’t have a large order.

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I’m rather impatient… placed the order:

@Nicole : if you’d like any of the black (or anything) from this order just let me know

@curlygc @mrmopar: let me know how much of the Bang Dong you’d like

@rasseru: advise what I should do with the oolong, also… what do you owe me from (I’m lost)

@ anyone else: If you’d like to split, swap, or sample just let me know!

The .com order will wait as I have a large amount of ripe already and it will take forever anyways :p

curlygc said

If you want to do three equal portions that’s fine, but if you decide you want to keep more of it, I totally understand. Just let me know what you’re willing to part with and send me a bill! :-)

mrmopar said

Three equal splits of the Bang Dong will be fine with me as well.

I’m open to Sheng or Shou swapping :) I’ve been having some cravings…

@ Haveteawilltravel I’ll let you know when it comes in. I’ve also got some ripe from BTTC and Berylleb

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Nicole said

If you need someone to take some of the Golden Needle, I’d split.

I’m open to whatever :)
Just let me know and I’ll put what you’d like aside.

Nicole said

12-25 g, however much you want to part with. PM me the details and cost. :)

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Roughly 2 days and it’s here :)
No idea what the two freebies are… one is black and the other is green.

mrmopar said

You will like the Drunk In Red.

paxl13 said

@mrmopar Drunk on red is soo soo soo good :D Did a .com order to order all the years to stock up :D

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A big thank you to everyone who helped me out with my first order, I am now onto my second one. If anyone would like to split anything with me just let me know!

Bought 10/29/15
2013 Yunnan Sourcing “Wu Liang Ye Sheng”
2014 Winter Harvest Charcoal Medium Roasted Four Seasons Oolong
2014 Spring “Dehong Ye Sheng” White Wrapper
Assamica Sun-Dried Silver Needles White Puerh tea * Autumn 2015
Snow Dragon HandRolled Yunnan White Tea * Autumn 2015
Yi Wu Mountain Wild Arbor Assamica Black Tea * Autumn 2015

Buying 1st/2nd week of November
Yunnan “Purple Beauty” Sun Dried Oolong
2008 Menghai Qi Zi Zhi Ge Ripe
Autumn 2010 Mang Fei Mountain Mao Cha
2014 Menghai “Golden Needle White Lotus”

I believe qi zi is sold out. White Lotus is a wonderful choice!

Rasseru said

Would love to but I’ve gone over my quota by a bit too much this month to say the least.

Let’s see some reviews though!

This is a November/December expected delivery type of order… just saying.

add that to my order… Last I checked they were gone ;)

I was going to ask if it was ‘tong worthy’ but then realized the option isn’t there.

AllanK said

If you are interested in a tong send Scott an email. In the past he has given me a voucher for about the price of a cake when I bought a tong.

get a tong… j’s’ing…

Semi joking :P
Haveteawilltravel is probably buying their own cake, it’d be odd for me to split a tong; I split cakes because over 100g is a lot for me since I drink everything and don’t store

oh this is for splitting???

Yeah, this is for splitting like my first order I did which is what this thread was originally… but I think I’m going to triple each order.
First order = $80ish
Second, probably=$240ish
Third, 2016 (tax rebate!)= $700ish

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Anyone have confirmation that any of the ripe peacocks are decent enough to put over the ones I am planning to buy?

boychik said

I’ve tried Peacocks and I don’t like them. Nothing special. Get Green Miracle instead. It’s yum. Like Baileys

Well… I just made two purchases in a night… thanks :)

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boychik said

Ok I just saw they added 9 yrs DHP

and 250g of that goes into my order… you are an enabler…

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