If you order from the .com site I suggest you keep your purchase under about 1.4kg of tea. This will allow you to choose e packet shipping which they call Express Mail Small Parcel. It is almost as cheap as surface mail and nearly as fast as EMS. The total weight limit for a package is 2 kg though so you can’t have a large order.
I’m rather impatient… placed the order:
@Nicole : if you’d like any of the black (or anything) from this order just let me know
@curlygc @mrmopar: let me know how much of the Bang Dong you’d like
@rasseru: advise what I should do with the oolong, also… what do you owe me from (I’m lost)
@ anyone else: If you’d like to split, swap, or sample just let me know!
The .com order will wait as I have a large amount of ripe already and it will take forever anyways :p
If you want to do three equal portions that’s fine, but if you decide you want to keep more of it, I totally understand. Just let me know what you’re willing to part with and send me a bill! :-)
Three equal splits of the Bang Dong will be fine with me as well.
I’m open to Sheng or Shou swapping :) I’ve been having some cravings…
@ Haveteawilltravel I’ll let you know when it comes in. I’ve also got some ripe from BTTC and Berylleb
If you need someone to take some of the Golden Needle, I’d split.
I’m open to whatever :)
Just let me know and I’ll put what you’d like aside.
12-25 g, however much you want to part with. PM me the details and cost. :)
Roughly 2 days and it’s here :)
No idea what the two freebies are… one is black and the other is green.
You will like the Drunk In Red.
@mrmopar Drunk on red is soo soo soo good :D Did a .com order to order all the years to stock up :D
A big thank you to everyone who helped me out with my first order, I am now onto my second one. If anyone would like to split anything with me just let me know!
Bought 10/29/15
2013 Yunnan Sourcing “Wu Liang Ye Sheng”
2014 Winter Harvest Charcoal Medium Roasted Four Seasons Oolong
2014 Spring “Dehong Ye Sheng” White Wrapper
Assamica Sun-Dried Silver Needles White Puerh tea * Autumn 2015
Snow Dragon HandRolled Yunnan White Tea * Autumn 2015
Yi Wu Mountain Wild Arbor Assamica Black Tea * Autumn 2015
Buying 1st/2nd week of November
Yunnan “Purple Beauty” Sun Dried Oolong
2008 Menghai Qi Zi Zhi Ge Ripe
Autumn 2010 Mang Fei Mountain Mao Cha
2014 Menghai “Golden Needle White Lotus”
I believe qi zi is sold out. White Lotus is a wonderful choice!
Would love to but I’ve gone over my quota by a bit too much this month to say the least.
Let’s see some reviews though!
This is a November/December expected delivery type of order… just saying.
add that to my order… Last I checked they were gone ;)
I was going to ask if it was ‘tong worthy’ but then realized the option isn’t there.
If you are interested in a tong send Scott an email. In the past he has given me a voucher for about the price of a cake when I bought a tong.
Semi joking :P
Haveteawilltravel is probably buying their own cake, it’d be odd for me to split a tong; I split cakes because over 100g is a lot for me since I drink everything and don’t store
oh this is for splitting???
Yeah, this is for splitting like my first order I did which is what this thread was originally… but I think I’m going to triple each order.
First order = $80ish
Second, probably=$240ish
Third, 2016 (tax rebate!)= $700ish
Anyone have confirmation that any of the ripe peacocks are decent enough to put over the ones I am planning to buy?
I’ve tried Peacocks and I don’t like them. Nothing special. Get Green Miracle instead. It’s yum. Like Baileys
Well… I just made two purchases in a night… thanks :)
Ok I just saw they added 9 yrs DHP
and 250g of that goes into my order… you are an enabler…
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