Steepster Community Data Visualization- add to our collective knowledge, and you could win free tea.

32 Replies

Done :)

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I left the fur pets question blank rather than click “other”— I don’t have any pets.

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MzPriss said


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done! Good luck on your project!

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Cwyn said

For quantitative results you would need to calculate a large sample and do item testing on each survey question. Trend data can’t be validly used from small samples nor generalized to a larger population. I’m saying this because any grad program professor will tell you this.

Instead, you can frame this as exploratory qualitative research and use your survey to develop categories which can be used in the future for a more in-depth, large sample study. Add to your data with quotes or individual case studies.

Phi said

Yah that is more or less that I am doing. It’s “Visualizing the Steepster Community” for a reason :P But I am seeing some cool trends I want to research further at a later point.

This right now has been sort of a learning by doing thing… I realized that surveys should not be written on 2 hours of sleep in the middle of the night and other such lessons :P

Cwyn said

Just be careful of using the word “trend” with your committee if you are not doing the quantitative work for it, is all I’m saying. “Pattern” might be might a better one that will keep you out of the grad school hazing. ;)

Phi said

Tehe ok. That is helpful. I don’t know all the language yet. Most of the labs in our department are more qualitative in nature, so I haven’t been well versed in quantitative yet. I need to pick out a methods course for next semester still… we can choose between a couple academic department’s classes for that credit, and I’m not sure if I want to go more qualitative or quantitative for that.

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Zephyr select said

Done :-)

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Rich select said

I actually write survey questions as part of my job, and your survey seems quite fine for a nice little project! Let me know if you want a little feedback as you analyze the results!

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pixel said

Phi, I just completed the survey but intentionally left 2 answers blank. On the question about what initially sparked my interest, it was none of the options listed, rather the discovery in college (1977-1984)that I don’t really care for coffee (that I don’t turn into a dessert) and that I would require a daily dose or 4 of caffeine. The other question was in regard to children. My daughters are grown & I have 4 granddaughters, one of whom shares my love of tea. She just turned 11. Good luck with your project!

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