Michelle said

Unique teas in Southeast Asia?

I’m going to Malaysia and some other places in SE Asia and would LOOOOVE tips on what types of tea to look out for! Any suggestions? What’s special about tea in Southeast Asia?

When I was last in Cambodia, I had the most amazing ginger tea…. it was so, so spicy, maybe just made by steeping a TON of fresh ginger- I don’t know. When I tried buying some, I found black tea mixed with ginger which was not at all the same…. this next time I’m going to try to find it again!

2 Replies

Indonesia borders Malaysia. The company I work for works with a farmer in Indonesia (http://tealet.com/grower/profile/4), and they make some great teas, like a oolong-style rolled black tea, and a Honey oolong. If you are on the southern tip of Malaysia and can make it to Banten, in Indonesia, his farm is very beautiful.

Eat some murtabak for me!

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yssah said

in the Philippines we sell powdered ginger tea called Salabat. It has some sugar and cayenne pepper in it but not as strong as when you make it fresh by simmering for 30mins (after brining to a boil). cayenne is prolly what made yours extra spicy! SEA countries usually have spicy cuisine (except Philippines coz we are more Westernized)

the unique teas that you will find here are mostly herbal stuff like guyabano tea that is good for cancer, moringa tea, and (not tea but good enough to have that USA is importing it) fresh (unprocessed) coconut water and coconut milk.

haven’t really travelled the other countries but you might find some puerh :)

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