We're looking for bloggers! Free tea involved ;-)
I only have steepster as well, but I’m active and would be willing to review some tea!
I notice you only have your matcha listed here, but you have several loose leaf teas on your website. Is the loose leaf tea new?
Yes, the loose leaf teas were just added last week. And I’m following you, follow me and send me what two samples you’d like along with your address and I’ll get those samples shipped out to you! Thank you :)
I’m interested, are you still open for reviews?
Yes! I’m following you, follow back and shoot me a massage with your two sample choices and your address
I’m not sure if you have enough, but if you’re short a spot; I would love to review :)
Yes! I’m following you just follow back and shoot me a message with your two sample choices and address
I’m in the US and interested if you still need people :-)
Yup! I’m following you just shoot me a message with your two sample choices and your address
I’m in!
I’m following you, follow me then shoot me a message with 2 sample choices and your address.
All the slots are now filled, thank you everyone! I’ll ship those samples out asap.
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