Tea festival tourism?
Is anyone planning on going to the Northwest Tea Festival (October 3-4) and/or the Vancouver Tea Festival (Nov 21-22) this year?
Thinking about it, Nicole! I have a health issue which makes it hard to plan with certainty— luckily I am within driving distance of Seattle.
If you haven’t been to Northwest before I’d highly recommend it. I’m not sure I’ll get there this year so I might be looking for someone to video one of the tasting sessions if they will allow it. I need something to show the presenters at the Midwest festival as an example. Vancouver I’m just hoping to be able to go to myself. :)
If I am able to go it will likely be just for Saturday— PM me closer to the event if you don’t find a reliable videographer!
ABQ needs a tea festival.
San Francisco, LA, Kansas City or Austin close enough for reasonable airfare? I think there is movement toward starting one in Las Vegas as well.
Start talking to tea vendors who are close enough to come to ABQ and try to sell them on putting one together! There’s plenty of evidence to support that tea festivals are a growing phenomenon right now. :)
Austin would the closest. But I don’t really want to go to Texas. SFO is south of SF city, but perhaps I could attend someday.
We were going to attend the Seattle festival this year but I don’t think time is on our side with it this year because there’d be so much preparation that would be required (booth supplies, signage, extra teas, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg) and so it’s a good thing that the person who pledged the 1K for that particular Kickstarter Incentive wasn’t planning to attend anyway.
Next year, we’ll probably attend though!
No, in the years past, it just wasn’t a good time for me to travel – it always seems that something occurs during that time of year (in years past, it’s been in August, I believe) and I just couldn’t get away to go. :( Next year though, I definitely want to go. Even if we can’t set up a booth, I want to go as a guest.
Los Angeles Tea Festival is Dec 5/6th this year. It’s pretty small though – I don’t think it’s worth going to Los Angeles just for the tea festival as you can do the place in less than an hour, not including seminars. http://teafestivalla.com/
They’ve been trying to have one in San Diego, was postponed last year https://www.facebook.com/sandiegoteafestival I figure that one will be small too.
The 2016 World Tea Expo is in Las Vegas June 15 to 17th. It’s industry and press only, so you’ll need an in. It’s also more networking than buying goodies (unless you want wholesale kinda goodies)
Vancouver? Vancouver has a tea festival? I need to look into this. Loved my last tea excursion in Vancouver…
I’ll probably go to the Vancouver one. I might even volunteer.
Here’s hoping it’s better than the one two years ago (I ended up not going, which was good, because they oversold tickets and were apparently turning people away at the door because the venue was too small).
I’ll probably go to the Vancouver one too.
I can’t believe I forgot about that. I went to that one and was so pissed off about it at the time because I’d bought my tickets in advance and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t until I had been waiting in line for some time that I found out that they sold too many tickets and wouldn’t be able to fit everyone in. I eventually got in, but I also waited in line for a ridiculous amount of time.
That was their first tea festival and they’ve held other events since then so I don’t think they’ll make the same mistake again, but haha wow that was an irritating experience.
I would love to take a mini vacation and go to one of these, but I would be so mad if I traveled all that way and got turned away.
It would piss me off to not be allowed in but I figure the worst thing would be that I’d be in a new city to explore and I could probably find tea and nummies to entertain me. :) I’ve been to Vancouver once and wished I had more time.
The website says a “new larger venue in East Vancouver”.
Handily I have a map of a lot of (not all of, just a lot of) tea places in Vancouver available…
Maybe we should all just meet in some “tea city” and drink tea together for days.
When Dex came to visit in the spring we went to The Chinese Tea Shop and Treasure Green, and must have spent at least 2 hours drinking tea in each store. Seriously amazing. It was so much fun to do that with a tea friend, especially since we like such different things!
I’m agreeing with OMGsrsly. If in Vancouver plan to spend a couple of hours at The Chinese Tea Shop and Treasure Green. If you like straight Chinese teas both those shops would be must visit type places. Their hospitality was just amazing. It’s incredibly fun exploring tea spots in a new city with a tea friend. :)
Las Vegas is hosting a Tea and Coffee Fest on November 7th (http://vegasteaandcoffeefest.com/) I will 100% be there! I may also go for the NW Tea fest and perhaps Vancouver.
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