2015 Poundcake or 2015 If you're reading this...........
I’m getting ready to make a purchase at white2tea, I just can’t decide on whether to get the 2015 poundcake or the 2015 if you’re reading this it’s too late. I tried going off the reviews off each one on here but I ended up right where I started when I was done going through them. So, I am going to try and see if my fellow steepsterites can help me out in choosing. So, what do you think?
I own both, it really depends on your taste as both are good.
Poundcake is on the extremes. It’s either quite sweet or pretty steamed veggie. Has a nice bitterness. This is from the gourd, I also purchased a cake but haven’t tried it yet to see differences.
2Late is peachy creamy, more mellow with an insanely thick mouthfeel. Finishes kinda grainy/linen. Bit of dry and bitterness as well. Oddly a really strong scent cake.
buy both :P
Lol, I knew someone was going to tell me that. Which I was afraid of because now I just may do it.
offtopic but hoping for feedback on basics sampler :)
That is part of my order due to the free shipping. Haven’t seen reviews on it but it can’t hurt when you count the free shipping.
so the free ship includes other stuff? cool. i sawoneof the basics on profile. would u mind selling me a little bit of each puer youre getting? im super new and havent much budget for big investments. also curiousabout the budget puerhs in their FAQ
The free shipping seems to include everything in your cart as long as you have the basics sampler in your cart. And, I would be more than willing to send you samples of each once I get my order in. I just still have to decide on whether to get the poundcake or if you are reading this. Or I may end up deciding on getting both. Just not completely sure yet.
Following you as well. I actually have not. I will definitely have to look into that.
I’ll try and get the basics sampler reviewed in August, depending on my tea backlog. Mine arrived not too long ago and it looks really good.
Get both :) You know you want to. I ended up just going on a spending spree. I keep hearing mixed reviews,s o I decided it best to just judge for myself.
Both. Tried them both and loved them. And get the sample of Bosch. Everybody said its amazing. Sorry I’m not a good help ;p
Have teawilltravel I will give you half the $ for the two cakes for half of each. This will let me keep aging mine. The Poundcake is sweet and yummy!
you said what i wanted to but could not say mrmopar! i am going to strictly stick to samples until i can pick one cake. (can almost hear a “that’s what she said”)
I’ll get back to you once I get them. I haven’t tried them yet, so I may fall in love and not want to part with them, hahah.
I’m partial to the Poundcake but I think its largely due to my own personal preferences in pu’erh. Both are quite different and people seem to enjoy both!
I like both for different reasons. I think the poundcake may be a bit finicky though because I’ve had both an amazing vanilla sweet session and a not so great session, but I may have overleafed in the not so great session. I have the gourd too, so I expect the cake would be different. Loved the complexity of if you’re reading this and sessioned it over two days, so it has great longevity. Good luck!
Tealizzy, I think that’s a good point. I’ve also had some variable session with the Poundcake, some good, occasionally great, but some so/so.
I kinda suspect some might be to the variations between the gourd and actual cake. I have a harder time breaking leaves up cleanly from the gourd whereas the cake it’s alot easier to get whole leaves with minimal breakage.
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