Most Exotic Tea you have ever tried. Go!

27 Replies
Excelsior said

A weird tea that looked like tree bark. It tastes really bad too.

My wife’s father was a researcher at a pharmaceutical company in Japan. He cultivated the tea in a laboratory environment and brought some of it home. Why? He said it would protect anyone drinking it from various food illnesses.

So when I went to China, I brought the tea with me. Steeped and drank it every night. On one of my nights there, my business associates in China took me out and one of the specialties at the restaurant was snake blood. I, along with 2 colleagues from the US office drank the blood. They both got sick that night and the day after. I did not. On another occasion, four of my colleagues got food poisoning in China. I ate the same food but suffered no ill effects.

So drink this foul tea any time I eat out at a questionable restaurant in the US, Europe, and Asia.

That sounds awesome :D

I know this tea is illegal to possess and it probably isn’t wise to write about it online considering it is actually pieces of Godzilla from when he was taken down in 1999. While I understand that saying the tea looks like tree bark, I’m sure somebody will eventually stumble upon this forum and you may end up missing because I’m sure they want to test the subjects that ingested the liquid that came from Godzilla’s skin shards.
However, it is still a mystery as to who actually smuggled roughly 18 pounds of Godzilla’s skin. One rumor was to let it out and monitor where it went and what happened to civilians that were around it, but that was dismissed…
Anyways, that was my fun for the night. This tea does sound interesting though!

Excelsior said

I have the tea but if I had the skin shards, it would truly be rare and exotic. Just like the tea pot I bought while vacationing in Risa or the tea cups a friend sent to me from Alderaan. May god rest her soul. Yet I now have a new device, a genuine replicator. All I have to do is say the magic words, “tea, Earl Grey, hot.”

Such a comment makes me happy.
I am prescribed for 1 hour daily of TNG per my doctor

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Hilarious Liquid Proust! I have a somewhat comedic vlog on tea! You should check it out for a quick laugh and let me know what you think! Nothing fancy, just me having a little fun. Check it out and subscribe as I am adding new content each week.

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Michelle said

Strangest for me… was this really super dark Bedouin tea I had in Siwa Oasis, Egypt… it tasted like it had been fermented, I don’t know how to describe it. It was dark, almost like coffee, but definitely was tea. I still think about that tea. It hit me like I’d had a drink (flavor wise). So dramatic…. so intense…. has anyone else tried it??

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Cwyn said

In the days before computers and the Internet, when one could not buy decent tea, I brewed plantain weed leaves from the yard, wintergreen from the woods, nettles from the lakeshore and dandelion greens in the spring. All of that was better than Lipton.

AllanK said

The only tea that is worse than Lipton is America’s Choice. For those who don’t know it the A&P/Waldbaums brand.

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Wild Jujube Tea from Teasenz

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