The Beginning of Proust's Experimental Teas

70 Replies

So much for taking awhile on the S’more Black Dragon Pearls… got a coupon for them so now I have 100g to play with :)

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52Teas said

You have some amazing flavor ideas there! I’ve had a blackberry sage tea before, but it wasn’t a Keemun and I think that those flavors would really be nice with a Keemun. And the idea of a S’more black dragon pearl – yum.

Indeed! The pearls already have that cocoa touch to them which will be nice. There are no promises that this tea will go well… but I am going to put some serious effort into it before switching over to loose diahong tea instead of the pearls.

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Okay, tomorrow is hardcore job application day for me so I did a lot in regards to this project tonight.

First, I created this guy and I still have a lot to learn about Wordpress in generally. This site will be where I post pictures of the teas lifespan before it gets to you if it is a blend that I sell. Still learning Etsy…I will probably have it going within a week

I went through the hours of searching prices and reviews on all the start up gear so this coming week I will set up my personal tea lab with all the glass and wooden things to make it look like I am an organized person… but it won’t stay that way :)

I decided on something new: Since this project came about to give to the community here and to tea drinker all about, I have decided to create three blends at a time as samples and have people decide which one should be made if any of them. I am committed to providing the best that I can instead of just producing something because I can. If anyone has advice to offer me please let me know, constructive criticism is welcomed! The first samples should be sent out either Thursday or Friday.
Thanks for engaging with me everyone, I really hope to bring about some stuff that makes you scratch your head as you read about it but then smile in approval as you take that first sip knowing that there is more to be had :)

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Just seeing this now. Haven’t been on here for a min. Super exciting and best wishes in everything!

Thanks :)
This is one of the most informative experiences I have had. Not only do I get to see all the behind the scenes cost and time allocation, I get to see how many trial and errors occur. I already messed up MANY projects… tea creation is an art :)

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Full confidence in your tea creativity. :)

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Ubacat said

Hmmm Those sound interesting. Especially the blueberry genmaicha. Are you using artificial flavouring? If you are, then it wouldn’t be for me since I’m really sensitive to that.

I wanted to find a chocolate genmaicha at one time but made with green tea and very toasty with rice. I tried the Laoshan Black Genmaicha which was very popular but it wasn’t what I was looking for. I might try my own blend….

We can do co-blend :)
Here’s my thoughts: Take a dark tea that can hold it’s integrity while complimenting a chocolate flavored toasted rice. What comes to my mind is either a red tea which would get tricky or what I would like to do is have a phoenix oolong blend with dark roasted rice and dark chocolate. Technically, depending on price, the addition of vanilla bean could add some umph as well.

Ubacat said

Vanilla sometimes brings out the chocolate especially Tahitian vanilla bean. I’ll have to try that!

“Chocolate flavored toasted rice” … I went immediately to Cocoa Krispies. Why not just crush some cocoa nibs and mix them in?

At 175f would cocoa nibs actually come through? I thought about the addition of honeybush but the same issue is there: temerature and flavor extraction via steeping.

Maybe roasting them myself would help, I might just have to play around with it.

Ubacat said

Tisano chocolate tea is probably a good one to add but I would need to find toasted rice.

We will work on this over time :)
I am going to make a roasted chocolate genmaicha this weekend with these ideas in mind as a future endeavor.
Next year I will roast my own ajd make genmaicha in a mixture of 15% rice roasted at 70% and 85% shincha. I will make a video of the process as well so others can see the process if they haven’t already seen it.

Ubacat said

Can’t wait to hear what you come up with!

Ubacat said

:) This one is great! I have read a few and I look forward to doing it next year (and practicing this year too)

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Um, yes please!

That is gorgeous – I love seeing the process of the blending, it makes the final mix so much more interesting.

Ubacat said

Wow! It looks great.

I agree, it looks delicious.

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Ubacat said

Love hearing about your creative tea projects!

scribbles said

That is so awesome that you’re sharing the creativity side of it! Looks really tasty!

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I have bad news in which I will apologize about and good news to announce:

First, I am truly sorry for those who did not find samples in the mailbox. For whatever reason, USPS has sent back a few of my envelopes which makes no sense. The entire package weights out at .4 to .5 of an ounce. According to them I should pay $2.05 to send out half an ounce in an envelope. Honestly, I’m sorry.

Some people received theirs and let me know which is great; however, all those teas failed my test :p

I went back to work at my old job today and I will be there until something with more advancement comes along. This means that I have some income right now and I am going to throw some of that towards having a larger selection. Technically, Liquid Proust Teas LLC is official as of 6/15/2015 but I will be holding off on opening up as I am still finishing some of my teas (such as the Peach Earl Grey Oolong) and making one HUGE Excel file that has a Proustrillion of things in it.

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Time is getting closer :)
Here’s a bit more about what I’ve been up to:
I finally got to the beginning of a Facebook page if anyone would like to follow. It will get better over the next few weeks:

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