Looking for a good place to get organic Chamomile
Any suggestions? I’ve known a few kinds of Chamomile to be pretty odd tasting, so I’m looking to stay organic here unless you have a non-organic Chamomile that you are very familiar with! Looking to find it relatively cheap as well, as I am not looking to be paying $6+ per via DavidsTea marketing or whatnot.
Simpson and Vail sells organic Chamomile. I’ve bought it and it’s good quality. www.svtea.com
M&K has a good organic one too. I picked up some in my last purchase from them. http://www.mkstea.com/german-chamomile/
Arbor Teas and Rishi have good organic chamomile tea:
Rishi’s organic chamomile medley is one of the better flavored herbal teas out there.
If you’re looking for cheap, Tealux has 100g of organic chamomile for $10.50 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EKSSWDK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I alternate between this and white tea at night. It’s a tad weaker than the other two but still a good quality tea.
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