tdifraia said

Adagio Poor Customer Service

I recently placed 2 orders from Adagio’s. Both times It would not allow me to get my 2 free samples by linking to facebook. I emailed them only to get sorry theres nothing wrong on our end, try again next time. Pretty much blew me off both times. So with all the other choices out there I will move on and just let everyone know about my bad experience with ADAGIOS Tea. Any recommendations?

25 Replies
Ost said

In my opinion, Adagio has pretty awful tea overall. xD I am definitely not a fan. Much better companies with much better CS out there!
Might wanna try Harney & Sons, Verdant Tea, Lupicia Tea, The Persimmon Tree Tea, Della Terra Teas-once they come back into business at the end of the year, hopefully! I would recommend DavidsTea but I keep getting really bad CS from them too and am losing a lot of respect for them, so I really wouldn’t recommend them.
Not sure what you’re looking for though. American Tea Room has some good blends too though. LOVE their Oh Canada!

Uniquity said

I’m surprised about Davids Tea. Many tea lovers don’t like them for the flavourings, etc, but in general they have five star customer service. It’s funny how that happens though – repeated bad experiences with a company that everyone else loves. It’s like they save up all the bad customer service for a few people. I’ve had that with other companies that Steepsterites love.

Patricia said

Same here, I’ve only heard great things about DT’s CS.

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sren said

I have had a couple of really fabulous experiences with David’s customer service recently. For example, I sent a package to family in California as a gift and somehow it went to the wrong address and was returned to Canada. David’s emailed me to check on the address and resent the package immediately no charge.

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Conchobar said

Teavivre. Wonderful customer service with timely and customer friendly communications. The teas I have purchased have been packed extraordinarily well, timely delivered, high quality and very good pricing compared to other companies.

I’ll second Teavivre, they have some of the best customer service I’ve come across. I had a problem with one of my orders and they took care of it immediately.

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jpr54_ said

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I think it depends a lot on if you want flavored teas or straight teas. Could you narrow it down?

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Hey tdifraia that’s an unfortunate situation. Sorry to hear this. We’d be happy to turn that situation around for you. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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tdifraia said

Wow thanks guys for the help. As for my preferences I Drink black teas during the day, and I love Rooibos at night. Im good for 6-8 cups a day. Really fond of the cleaner black tea .. Golden Monkey and Black Dragon Pearls are my favorites.

I suggest Yunnan Sourcing.

Sil select said

Teavivre as well, mandala, Yunnan Sourcing all great customer service with some excellent black teas

Conchobar said

Teavivre’s Golden Monkey and Dragon Pearl teas are both very good. In fact, Teavivre did not make Dragon Pearl available last year due to poor quality but has been taking orders for the 2015 harvest with shipment to occur shortly.

Uniquity said

Teavivre would satisfy your black tea needs for sure!

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Brian said

so its bad customer service because you didnt get free samples with an order?

Fergy said

yes, i would say that is is bad CS to promise a service or product, and not deliver. if it is advertised that you will get a sample with an order, you then DELIVER the advertised sample. otherwise, that is false advertising.

Conchobar said

I would suggest that while mistakes happen, its poor business to fail to meet your commitments to your customers when its should be easy enough to confirm the conditions and more importantly, why put a customer relationship (and potentially more given this forum, etc) at risk over a sample or two.

Uniquity said

I think it’s more than that though. The original post says the OP didn’t get the samples…and then got the brush off when looking into it. The first is an oversight, the second is bad customer service for me.

tdifraia said

@Brian Yes it is, one of the reasons I but my tea from them is the opportunity to try new teas before I but them. They offer these on their web site. Its bait. I bit and they did not deliver. And then I emailed them to let them know the web sight would did not allow me to put the free sample in my cart, in which they responded everything checked out on their end, that next time it would work. Next time same thing, I emailed them again and got the same response, only with an attitude.

jpr54_ said

there are much better comppanies to deal with
free samples are a plus-but sometimes it is better to purchase sample size selections is much better in giving free samples,etc

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tdifraia said

Im gonna give Teavivre a try. Ive heard a lot of positive things from different sources

Uniquity said

I love Teavivre. Great tea, great people. You could sign up for their free tea tasting activity as well if there are spots.

Another Teavivre lover here! :]

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AllanK said

Mandala Tea at has excellent customer service. They list their phone number if there is a problem.

mrmopar said

+1 on Mandala, customer driven and focused.
Yunnan Sourcing, customer driven and focused.
White2tea, customer driven and focused.
Crimson Lotus tea, customer driven and focused. All excellent in my book. All have answered any question I have had very promptly and work well with any issues or special requests.

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