jpr54_ said

2015 First Flush Darjeeling Tea

I am looking forward to my first purchases of the year.
I ordered from both and
These are my first purchases from both of them.
I previously purchased my FF teas from,, and
what are your favorite estates?

7 Replies
Excelsior said

It changes from year to year. I drink primarily First Flush Darjeelings, despite the high cost, from Mariage Freres. It can be the same year, same flush, same estate, same grade, but I find the taste differs according to the retailer. Mariage Freres now lists the estate, year, flush, grade. and picking (i.e. DJ1) on their premium FF Darjeelings.

2011—FF Moodakotee, FF Castleton, FF Namring Upper, FF Margaret’s Hope
2012—-FF Namring, FF Castleton, FF Jungpana, FF Margaret’s Hope
2013—-None that Iiked, FF Vintage Castleton 2012
2014—-FF Arya, FF Puttabong
2015—-Have not tried any yet.

I go through their full selection each year. Last year I tried their Margaret’s Hope, Margaret’s Hope Supreme, Singbulli, Ambootia, Bloomfield, Namring, Namring Poomong Upper, Chongtong, Castleton, North Tukvar, Happy Valley, Moondakotee, Arya, and Puttabong, all First Flush. IMHO, I found the Arya and Puttabong to be the best out of the bunch. I also keep the relatively low cost Orange Valley, and Queen Victoria on hand to drink at work.

Lost of people tell me I’m too obsessive. Yet when it comes to tea, my wife is more obsessive than I am.

Happy Brewing!

Hi, have you tried the teas from Vahdam Teas? They are excellent to taste and super fresh. The best part? They have First Flush 2017 stocked up. Do check it out if you’d like! Happy sipping!

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You might want to stock up on the First Flush 2017 from Vahdam Teas. The Arya Diamond was harvested just six days back! Try them?

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Psyck said

Once is enough, repeating the same thing multiple times, especially dredging up several years old threads to do so, is spamming.

Hello again! Commenting for the sake of commenting again? Surely you and I can count two references to Vahdam Teas in this chain. Not spamming. Rest, you’re welcome to follow me instead of stalking me.

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jpr54_ said

If anything,psych you are the one stalking.
Why not mention and give credit to a company who gives good customer service and sells excellent quality teas. I am a happy and satisfied customer who has purchased from them and others

Thank you. I apologise for the inconvenience. Looking forward to serving you better at Vahdam Teas.

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